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Creating an article

The idea behind a forum in my opinion
Is to see what other's are thinking
Some on here are very forthright with their opinions
Other just like to argue and some chip in
Now and again with good comments,

However when I post
Now May be it's just me,I seem to be attacked
In a nice way by the more intelligent writters
For my opinion rather than looking at what ive
Said I hasten to add not everybody!

So for this season if you one of those
Puel in puel out stuck in your views
You don't have to defend your opinion to me,
It would be nice if some folk would just answer my
Post without dragging arguments from other posts

I enjoy coming on here and being house bound ( within 1/2 mile) untill I can get £18k for a wheelchair
This is one of my few escapes and often my only contact
With the outside world
( im being held prisoner in a sheltered bungalow scheme full of 80+ yr olds waiting for god!)
Now is this a rant or a statement,

Live match day commentary post will be back this season,
If you've no way of getting any information on match day just post a comment and I'll do descriptive post of the main bits
Sarcasm is most welcome on match day threads,

What's wrong with my lovely poems,
Its taken me years to find a writing style ,
That's clear and neat and legible,
Spell checker & auto corrected
Thoughts on point and punctuated,

Lack of education and dyslexia
Relieved by modern technology
Yet still they mock my spellings
With bad punctuated comments

I try my best,I'll not give up
If you don't want to read it
Then go buy a book !

posted on 5/8/18

comment by Merseysidefox (U4842)
posted 6 minutes ago
Some people agree.
Some people disagree.
But what we all want to see.
Are articles from Dublin.
Really is that the best you can do Mersey

comment by Jobyfox (U4183)

posted on 5/8/18

There's a vacancy for someone to do the match day threads so think you should fill it.

Let's hope you do them poetic justice.

posted on 6/8/18

comment by Jobyfox (U4183)
posted 10 hours, 49 minutes ago
There's a vacancy for someone to do the match day threads so think you should fill it.

Let's hope you do them poetic justice.
...and whilst you’re at it you can run the Predictions League. A lay down/sabbatical of 3 months is insufficient time to mend your mind after dealing with that lot week in, week out.

Now if only I had the time...🤔

posted on 6/8/18

i thought yankari did the predictions lge?

posted on 6/8/18

comment by dublin fox (was london fox)(now Cambridge fox)(can not spell fox) (U1131)
posted 1 hour, 47 minutes ago
i thought yankari did the predictions lge?
Only 4 days to go...

posted on 6/8/18

Dublin what i love about the interweb and here is we are all equal. Here you don't have your illness or anything else you are just one of us with your opinion no less no more.

posted on 6/8/18

comment by Nevsaysagoal2city (U5194)
posted 39 minutes ago
Dublin what i love about the interweb and here is we are all equal. Here you don't have your illness or anything else you are just one of us with your opinion no less no more.


Nice way of putting it Nev.

posted on 6/8/18

Yeah that’s a good comment Nev - nice way of looking at things.

posted on 6/8/18

comment by Nevsaysagoal2city (U5194)
posted 3 hours, 10 minutes ago
Dublin what i love about the interweb and here is we are all equal. Here you don't have your illness or anything else you are just one of us with your opinion no less no more.

nevv love ❤❤🌈🌻🦄 😀

posted on 7/8/18

comment by Nevsaysagoal2city (U5194)
Wow Nev - summed it all up in a nutshell!
Dublin - keep on posting - good on you mate!

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