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Making A Murderer: Part 2

Out today chaps on Netflix

Will Brendan get out to see Wrestlemania?

The first season was epic

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 29/10/18

Just finished Part 2 of Making a Murderer, unbelievable that Dassey hasn't been released pending retrial and Avery didn't get a retrial, complete unjust system

comment by Cloggy (U1250)

posted on 5/11/18

Both innocent, it is unreal that they are still behind bars. Its just mind boggling how anyone can believe these 2 are guilty.

comment by Phenom (U20037)

posted on 14/1/19

comment by Hulk's little brother Yoda (U1250)
posted on 5/11/18
Both innocent, it is unreal that they are still behind bars. Its just mind boggling how anyone can believe these 2 are guilty.

posted on 28/1/19

Just finished season 2 and it's absolutely appalling that they're both behind bars still. I don't understand how the Supreme Court wouldn't even hear Dassey's case, especially as there is absolutely no physical evidence linking him to the murder.

As for Steven Avery it beggars belief that he's spent two terms in prison for two separate crimes he didn't commit. Money talks and there's 36 million reasons why Avery was stitched up and is still behind bars.

Unbelievable that not even a Netflix documentary bringing everything to the forefront still can't help change much.

comment by Cloggy (U1250)

posted on 28/1/19

I don't understand that so many judges think that there's not enough new evidence to have a retrial. How thick are these people? Or it has to be a big conspiracy. As for Dassey, same thing, facking lawyers brainwashing the kid to confess and no judge puts a stop to it.

comment by Cloggy (U1250)

posted on 28/1/19


comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 29/1/19


They’ll stop this release no matter what. It’s a travesty

posted on 29/1/19

One thing that the Netflix documentary doesn't talk about enough (certainly in season 2) is that Steven Avery as a free man was suing the police for $36 million dollars in a case he was almost certainly going to win.

Then for no good reason when everything is finally going really well in his life after being released from prison for a crime he didn't commit Avery supposedly commits a murder. And the same local police force he's suing get access to his entire property while at the same time making sure that no coroner is allowed on the scene (something almost unheard of). Giving them unrestricted access to everything including his house and all "evidence".

Meaning that they could have planted and tampered with whatever they wanted at Avery's house. To say that there's a conflict of interest there is one of the biggest understatements of all time. And yet this seems absolutely fine to the court system in America. Police could never be corrupt, that would be impossible right.

comment by Cloggy (U1250)

posted on 29/1/19

I think they touch on it a few times. The Manitowoc police were not allowed to be part of the investigation team, but they were called in anyway to support the leading police force of that other county.


posted on 9/8/19

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