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Puel and the future

Was thinking today,I know that's a dangerous past time 🤯
About keeping puel as development manager
Would it work if his style/ plan was tought to the development squad and u23s?
So as the players come through the system it I'd engrained in them?
One of the obvious problems is the first few into the main squad are going to struggle, if they've to adopt to
Another system untill more are ready to follow,
Or with the fast turnaround if manger's these days
It's not really feasible ??

posted on 16/1/19

Dunge !! a Scotsman?? how dare you !! born in Oadby!!
Very much a leaver, but problem is that ,You cant be led into a battle by a leader who doesnt agree with war.

posted on 16/1/19

I generally try to stay out of politics on here. Sometimes I get dragged in by forces beyond my control (otherwise known as "Someone On The Internet is Wrong" syndrome) but suffice to say that the EU saw her coming in these negotiations. She said back in the day that "No deal is better than a bad deal". That might have been a good starting position for a negotiation if anyone on the EU side believed it was genuine.

posted on 16/1/19

The problem with May, was she forgot she was dealing with jolly foreigners, should have told them straight, do it our way otherwise, we'll have a cunning plan to defeat you and be back by Christmas roasting peasants on the fire 🤷

posted on 16/1/19

The EU is scared stiff that a no deal would prove beneficial in the long term for us, and other countries will then follow suit.
We are all doomed.

posted on 16/1/19

comment by thorneyfox (U5061)
posted 32 minutes ago
The EU is scared stiff that a no deal would prove beneficial in the long term for us, and other countries will then follow suit.
We are all doomed.
Aye,Doomed I tell you Doooomed 😳

posted on 16/1/19

I hope we opt for no deal and a heard border so we can stop these foreign managers ruining our club....

.... is what nev believes we all think 😂

posted on 16/1/19

Thank you Thorney
I've been trying to explain to members on the Spanish hunting dogs adoption site what it's like to feed small treats to
My blue de Gascoigne griffon
Who is 85% deaf and very short sighted and which has a horse shaped mouth,
As he often takes the end of my fingers as snaps at the food 😳🤕
It's the till in open all hours
I have the same trepidation everytime I feed him 🤪😵😱

posted on 16/1/19

* that should read closed border.

I won’t accepr any manager that doesn’t have a blue passport.

In all seriousness Dublin, I’d happily see Puel keep a role at our club. The one you suggest could be a good option, but he’d need to align the structure and strategy to prepare players for the first team.

That would need to be aligned to the new manager’s vision. It would be hard to get that alignment for me.

posted on 16/1/19

I suppose the answer their is a full system over lay the same way Pearson had a full team in the back ground
Sports sciences and nutritional coaches physios ect

posted on 16/1/19

I would happily see Puel keep a role at our club.
Am sure he might make a good programme seller or car park attendant.
Couldnt get a job as a groundsman though as all the touchlines would be going sideways!!

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