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Brexit movie

Is it accurate and worth a watch?


posted on 2/2/19

comment by Hulk's little brother Yoda (U1250)
posted 6 seconds ago
So the answer is no?
The answer has always been that.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

In brexit terms, that means the blind (xenophobic oap’s And thickos that shouldn’t be allowed to breed) are the blind.

The one eyed man happens to be a gigantic peenis (Boris J or that UKIP idiot).

Seems apt.

posted on 2/2/19

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posted on 2/2/19

comment by NPE IV (U22020)
posted 1 hour, 25 minutes ago
comment by baz ta’rd (U19119)
posted 44 minutes ago
comment by Hulk's little brother Yoda (U1250)
posted 6 seconds ago
So the answer is no?
The answer has always been that.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

In brexit terms, that means the blind (xenophobic oap’s And thickos that shouldn’t be allowed to breed) are the blind.

The one eyed man happens to be a gigantic peenis (Boris J or that UKIP idiot).

Seems apt.

You are clearly a moron. Thrilled the result did t go your way

I expected some fool to step up with nothing except insults. I’m going to go with you being misled by one of the massive ccck’s rather than being a xenophobic oap?

posted on 2/2/19

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posted on 2/2/19

comment by NPE IV (U22020)
posted 15 minutes ago
Oh please you are the one who came here with the insults, mocking anyone who disagreed with your view on the EU.

I will be charitable and assume you are a safe space loving millenial with no understanding of European affairs rather than a bigot.
Not a millennial, funny how the more modern and less bigoted are the first to get stigmitised?

May I ask what your reasoning towards brexit is, when most things point at it being a complete cluster Fack?

I’d be interested, not in a piiiistaking way, genuinely want to know your reasoning.

posted on 2/2/19

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posted on 2/2/19

Good response to my, admitedly juvenile goading. The Norway model is beyond us now, would be great if we could get it, but the reality is no deal is the likeliest outcome.

Are you a.bisinness owner that is affected by this? Curious that you mention the
Schengen Area which at the moment does not affect us..

posted on 4/2/19

comment by NPE ⚽️ (U22020)
posted 1 day, 14 hours ago
If you were sincerely interested on view points that differed to your own you wouldn’t argue that less bigoted people vote Remain by default, or that those who voted Leave were either racist, reactionary or gullible fools led astray by devious demagogues.

I voted Leave begrudgingly, fully aware that there could be economic consequences and political ramifications that could come from my decision, and that its benefits were contestable.

For me however, I saw the malaise within the EU and the competing and totally contrasting visions for its future that differed from my own and I recoiled. I assessed honestly the relative failings of their flagship policies, from the Euro, to the Sheghen zone, to the single market, to the ECJ, to free movement of people, and realised most had either failed or caused further division or disharmony within Europe. I assessed what I considered irs future direction to be, looked at its absurd sabre rattlihg towards Russia, its calls for an EU army and the significant democratic deficit that the EU comissions existence created and I felt it reasonable to want to leave.

I also am increasingly sure the union of the Uk and the EU were incompatible and that nation states were impossible to maintain in the body of the EU.

I am not a fantasist, or a diehard Leave voter. I would rather Remain than no deal for example.

I would like the kind of model Norway has, or failing that, to lead EFTA in a kind of associate EU membership.

Good post but there are somethings in it that are probably worth further discussion.

Shenghen doesn't apply to the UK - considering all that we moan about the EU in this country we actually hold a considerable amount of power in terms of how its run and we have a lot of concessions through negotiations over the last 40 years.

I don't think the sabre rattling at Russia can be understated at this point - they have already annexed part of another European nation totally illegally. Some countries in the EU like Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia for example have had many attacks on the sovereignty from Russia and rightly are extremely worried about an increasingly militarised Russia.

A standing EU Army isn't official policy for the EU - although its not that far fetched or different from Nato when you look at it more closely.

We aren't in the Euro nor have we had any proposals to join it - once again the negotiated agreement we already have meant that we were (and are) able to decline joining the single currency.

The single market is probably the single element of the EU that we should be looking to keep - leaving it will cause not only the most disruption but certainly the most economic damage to the UK in the immediate aftermath. Whilst politicians can discuss these ideals at a loftier view what that means is tens of thousands of jobs that rely on the single market potentially lost.

I don't doubt that a reformed EU is likely the better outcome and that its not perfect in terms of how it operates across all the member states and that its not necessarily equal either but there are huge elements of this country that are largely undemocratic, in similar ways to which the Commission is.

comment by Cloggy (U1250)

posted on 4/2/19

Still dont know if the movie is a good watch or not.

posted on 5/2/19

comment by Hulk's little brother Yoda (U1250)
posted 22 hours, 26 minutes ago
Still dont know if the movie is a good watch or not.
Haha I watched most of it the other day and yes its pretty good to be honest. It doesn't really paint a very good picture of a lot of the characters but I guess we already knew that.

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