“The body recovered from the wreckage of a crashed plane is that of Cardiff City player Emiliano Sala, Dorset Police have said."
A shocking and numbing event for the families involved which is still to be concluded of course as the pilot, David Ibbotson, has yet to be found.
Recovered body identified as Sala
posted on 8/2/19
Such a tragic course of events. In the football world never mind daily lives, no one ever goes about their normal business and expect the worse to happen
Sala’s family may now have some closure, but I hope that the pilot’s body gets discovered too. His family must be going through the worst emotions too.
May both unfortunate victims be laid to Rest In Peace
posted on 8/2/19
Felt sure it'd be the pilot Ibbotson they'd bring up...dunno why..
Makes you wonder why they both weren't in the fuselage and what actually went on in the last seconds
posted on 8/2/19
posted on 8/2/19
Will a plan that size have a black box?
posted on 8/2/19
RIP guys
posted on 8/2/19
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posted on 8/2/19
Most propably would not have a black box.
posted on 8/2/19
Ten young lads dead in a fire at a Brazilian club this morning. Football is going through a tough time.
posted on 8/2/19
Very sad indeed. You wouldn't get me on one of those small single engine planes after this. Single engine planes flying over water at night should be outlawed. You have such a small chance of survival if anything goes wrong. Hopefully something is learned from this tragedy at least.
posted on 8/2/19
The shots of the wreakage published hinted at rear of plane. It could be the case is went down nose first and where pilot was was wreaked and he may never be found.
They are lucky to get Sala's body back at all imo.