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Some fecking August this is !

Dunno where to start, dunno why i am on here writing this, Just need to get it out, dunno if it will help but hey ho!

Prob been the worst month of my life, was my birthday this month so should have been good eh?!?!

So far in the last few weeks, broke up with the mrs at start of the month and have had to move back in with dad my stomach still churning over every thought of her. My mate passed away 2 weeks ago, did it himself and its the first person truly close to me I have lost (reading the article someone put up the last week i think about mental health pretty much had me bawling with tears, just reflecting on it.) Now this afternoon just found out that my employer has not been paying my PAYE, NI or student loan since April and when I confronted him I have been made "redundant"

Again dunno why or if I should put this on here but i dont think i can do any more damage.


posted on 27/8/19

comment by GTB, I like big bouncing smack your face titti... (U14017)
posted 11 seconds ago
Mate don't be surprised to find out that there has been someone else as well, these things tend to come out

Didn’t want to say this but inevitably it’s the case that there’s someone else.

Let them foot the bill and go to advice for. They’ll soon get fed up as the reality sets in. Always fun when it’s a bit on the side but when it’s not it gets demanding.

posted on 27/8/19

Comment Deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 27/8/19

No harm in meeting new people from online dating without the expectation of a relationship or anything. It's good to just get to know different types of people and find out who you and are what you like. You will end up with lots of friends who are girls at worst. Definitely need to take some time to be happy by yourself and with who you are.

Watch Jigsaw by Daniel Sloss. He explains it well.

posted on 27/8/19

Mate I know it probably helps to get it off your chest but my advice is to get professional help.

You read the mental health article where I touched on my past. Talking genuinely helps

We don't know each other but if you need someone who you don't know to just talk things through then get in touch

Castyerjavote@hotmail.co.uk and I'll send you my number or send me yours

posted on 27/8/19

comment by Call Sign: Invictus (U3627)
posted 13 minutes ago
Mate I know it probably helps to get it off your chest but my advice is to get professional help.

You read the mental health article where I touched on my past. Talking genuinely helps

We don't know each other but if you need someone who you don't know to just talk things through then get in touch

Castyerjavote@hotmail.co.uk and I'll send you my number or send me yours
Good man. Likewise if you want to climb a hill sometime I'd be up for that.

posted on 28/8/19

comment by Call Sign: Invictus (U3627)
posted 7 hours, 3 minutes ago
Mate I know it probably helps to get it off your chest but my advice is to get professional help.

You read the mental health article where I touched on my past. Talking genuinely helps

We don't know each other but if you need someone who you don't know to just talk things through then get in touch

Castyerjavote@hotmail.co.uk and I'll send you my number or send me yours

can add a bunch of us on twitter as well

feels schite just now i'm sure, but on the plus side you will get a pure buzz when you meet someone else.

posted on 28/8/19

Not on twitter or any of that stuff but why not join us for a beer on one of our nights out. Sometimes just chatting away shows that there are others out there who have had this kind of experience.

But yes, sound sense to get professional help.

posted on 28/8/19

Excellent advice as per from the good guys on JA606.

posted on 29/8/19

Just wondering how you are today, orange sherbert?

posted on 5/9/19

Just saw this.

Yet another JA Hallmark.

So important for males to share in a safe zone without fear of ridicule.

I said stuff on here I will never say to family about bereavement.

Not a cure, but a start in a process to get specialist support.

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