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Billy Gilmour

Been impressed this last couple of games for Chelsea, too soon for a Scotland Cap?

Keeps it simple in the holding role, however very inexperienced

Is it time to take a gamble and throw him in or not?

Id say fck it throw him in

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted on 8/3/20

comment by Ole-Dirty-Baztard (U19119)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 7 minutes ago
But you can see the talent. Some players never reach that level of composure. So at 18, with that level of brain thinking already, the skies the limit for the lad.
Watching him against Liverpool, he was scanning about before the ball was even passed to him, shows some really high potential tactical awareness.
That is a basic. We don't have enough able to do those basics.

posted on 8/3/20

If you're good enough, you're old enough

posted on 8/3/20

I was say get him in the squad. Some of our players have never reached that level their entire career.

posted on 8/3/20

Yeh, he’s got IT

posted on 8/3/20

Best player you’ve got ffs

posted on 9/3/20

Highest compliment I can give him is, if he played for rangers I would hate him, thankfully, he doesn't and I can enjoy watching his progression.

comment by NNH (U10730)

posted on 9/3/20

He was excellent again yesterday, makes the game look so simple.

He scans more times than Heathrow.

posted on 9/3/20

Going by reports he will stay in the Scotland under 21s for the time being.

comment by NNH (U10730)

posted on 9/3/20

Shambles but unsurprising.

posted on 9/3/20

Aye, we wouldn't want to upset the old guard who've served us so well!

I'd have Gilmour into the main squad now, no problem at all. OK, I don't think he maybe merited getting MOTM yesterday, but he looked very good thoughout ... as he did vs Liverpool. If he can look like a class act against those teams, then I'd say he's comfortably good enough for a full Scotland call up, even at 18.

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