Aim of the game is to pick a PL XI based on best individual seasons for a single player and fitting it into a team. Here’s mine:
Henry (02/03) Suarez (13/14) Ronaldo (07/08)
Yaya (13/14) Gerrard (05/06) Keane (99/00)
Cole* (03/04) Terry (04/05) VVD (18/19) Walker* (16/17)
DDG (17/18)
Honourable mentions:
Bale (12/13), Kante (15/16), Cantona (93/94), Shearer (94/95), Lampard (09/10)
*fullbacks were tough to think about and up for suggestion
Single season PL XI
posted on 13/4/20
I’d say may recency bias is levelled out by my hatred of Liverpool.
posted on 13/4/20
comment by Wahl Icht - (U22332)
posted 39 minutes ago
I was going to suggest Firmino vs Drogba, but you just know there would one or two tools who would actually try and argue a case for Firmino
And rightfully so.
posted on 13/4/20
comment by Melt (U22362)
posted 8 hours, 40 minutes ago
comment by Joe The King Exotic (U10026)
posted 2 minutes ago
You don’t play at the level Robertson has the last couple of years if you’re nothing special.
Lmao What exactly has Robertson done? He's just another cog in the Liverpool machine.
posted on 13/4/20
comment by Kunta Kante (U1641)
posted 10 hours, 48 minutes ago
Do you disagree that Robertson’s delivery is better? Considering Robertson’s superior productivity and output at LB, along with his strong defensive performances, can you actually say anything with more depth or nuance to back your opinion up?
Robertson has become one of the best LBs in Europe over last 18 months. I’m not even sure who is better between him and Cole (you could add Evra too, I don’t mind) I just said it is debatable.
Robertson, like someone suggested gets a more free reign to bomb up and down unlike Cole or Evra. Apart from maybe crossing, he has nothing else over either Cole or even Evra.
posted on 13/4/20
How is it debateable? Ashley Cole at his best had Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi in his back pocket and you're comparing that to Robertson.
posted on 13/4/20
Cole was a fantastic defender, and arguably the best LB in the world at one point, but Robertson has different attributes. Both were/are suited to their era's.
posted on 13/4/20
I can accept they have different roles, that’s also obvious. Could you put Cole or Evra into Robertson’s roles and them be as effective and productive? Probably not. Could you put Robertson into Evra or Cole’s role and be as effective? Maybe not but I equally can’t see any reason tbh why Robertson wouldn’t be at a similar level.
Wahl Robertson at his best has produced one of the most productive seasons from a full back in PL history, a vital part of a CL winning team and one of the most dominant teams in PL history. This is the point, what he’s achieved is just as impressive as Evra/Cole at their best. Robertson has also put in impressive defensive AND offensive performances against the likes of Bayern Munich and Messi’s Barcelona.
Can you not see the discussion we’re having makes it debatable. I’m just going to take it you agree that Robertson is better going forward, and has better delivery. Cole was better defensively. I don’t think there’s any other attributes either has that is standout above the other. Any achievement one has the other one has done something equally impressive.
Given the lack of any convincing arguments other than repeating ‘iTs NoT dEbAtAblE, tHeY’Re TwiCe As GoOd aS RoBerTsoN’, it just serves to prove my point. And the lkc of a convincing argument really says who’s biased and who’s not.
posted on 18/4/20
comment by Dubbed* (U21815)
posted 5 days ago
comment by Kunta Kante (U1641)
posted 10 hours, 48 minutes ago
Do you disagree that Robertson’s delivery is better? Considering Robertson’s superior productivity and output at LB, along with his strong defensive performances, can you actually say anything with more depth or nuance to back your opinion up?
Robertson has become one of the best LBs in Europe over last 18 months. I’m not even sure who is better between him and Cole (you could add Evra too, I don’t mind) I just said it is debatable.
Robertson, like someone suggested gets a more free reign to bomb up and down unlike Cole or Evra. Apart from maybe crossing, he has nothing else over either Cole or even Evra.
Agree. Other than if a conversation over Robertson happened in 3 years then it’s not worth discussing. Cole was the best lb in the world for years and had attributes that were not normally measurable
posted on 18/4/20
Cole for me played in a better era against the likes of messi and robben, he also played as orthodox left back rather than a winger. He was a clutch player who turned up in big games. Done both sides of the game and Was the best lb in the world.
posted on 23/4/20
Cech 04/05
TAA 18/19
Ferdinand 08/09
Terry 04/05
Cole (Pick any season he had at Chelsea really. ridiculously good player)
Salah 17/18
Toure 13/14
Fabragas 07/08
Ronaldo 08/09
Henry 03/04
Suarez 13/14
That season from Fabregas is the reason they starting measuring assists. Monumental season.