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Article Rating 2.14 Stars

Is it true?

That there were only 24 thousand at your game last night, a European home game?

posted on 1/10/11


I dont think the filter button is the answer. In fact, i think filtering makes it worse because you cant retaliate where you would normally like to.

The delete button is far better as then his posts cant be seen by anyone, not just you - surely thats better.

posted on 1/10/11

Don :

Better to let him make the effort of typing, and then just delete it.
One can delete his stuff faster than he can type it.

posted on 1/10/11

Anyone fancy answering the question rather than trying to decide how to victimise posters with different views

posted on 1/10/11

Chicken :

Only Mich has truly deserved the filter.
And for me much of that is retrospective punishment for his antics on BBC 606, rather than here.

posted on 1/10/11

Who is Mich?

posted on 1/10/11

Warm Feet :

Do you support ANY football team, yes or no ??

1. If the answer is no, you spend a lot of time wishing to discuss things relating to one specific football team, rather than the 100s that exist.

2. If the answer is yes, why are you afraid to say which team ??

Are you such a hypocritical coward that you refuse to allow others the right to comment in kind on your team ??

posted on 1/10/11

Please can we get back on topic of discussing the lack of numbers and potential ways to improve the attendance for the next game

posted on 1/10/11

Answer the question tepid toes!
We can rule out Arsenal,he's not booed yet

posted on 1/10/11

Mind your own business big foot

posted on 1/10/11

"The delete button is far better as then his posts cant be seen by anyone, not just you - surely thats better"

Yeh but chicken if everyone filtered the muppet then he wouldn't be able to post period as most people on the spurs board would have him filtered, this would frustrate him immensly because he wouldn't be able to go on many articles or post. I used to retaliate like anything to the Wums on the old BBC606 like the plank Holte, i find it so much more satisfying when i Filter them

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