Anyone know of any alternatives to the old 'Chapter and Verse' on android or PC? Not apple devices.
I bought 3 audiobooks on google play the other day. The 'cloud' style versions of them are all chaptered. But the copies you can download onto your PC all come out as one big file.
I still have a version of chapter and verse, but it only recognised one of the files as a music file the other 2 it refused to add chapters to.
Is there something I can download so that I can add chapters to M4a or after converting to MP3?
I've paid for the books and don't want to be restricted to using on 'play books'.
Adding chapters to audiobooks?
posted on 25/2/21
Is it just an mp4? Then load them into audacity and stitch them together into one big file, or place track markers at each chapter. Something like that. You’ll need an audio editor, audacity is free
posted on 25/2/21
comment by Ole-dirty-baztard - You want ole in, ole out, in, out, in, out, shake it all about. Do the ole Koke- ADMIN 5 (U19119)
posted 1 hour, 40 minutes ago
Is it just an mp4? Then load them into audacity and stitch them together into one big file, or place track markers at each chapter. Something like that. You’ll need an audio editor, audacity is free
It's an MP3 and it's one big file. Where would i find audacity please?
posted on 25/2/21
Errr first hit on Google?
You could chop it up however you want
posted on 25/2/21
It’s an awesome bit of audio software for free.
posted on 22/5/21
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