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Bobby Zamora scores a screamer

...for a team in a 7-a-side league in Colchester....


Looks in great shape for 40. In fact, he looks sharper than a couple of players in the current England team.

Great strike, whatever the level.

posted on 22/6/21

comment by GTWI4T- some people deserve to get trolled (U6008)
posted 44 minutes ago
How the fack is this story BBC worthy. It isn't even that good a goal ffs. I was expecting something amazing when I saw the headline. Basically a 40 year old ex pro turning out for a mates team is now worthy of a BBC news story? Wow.
It was worthy enough for you to read it

posted on 22/6/21

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posted on 22/6/21

I score them at Power league all the time

posted on 22/6/21

comment by GTWI4T- some people deserve to get trolled (U6008)
posted 3 hours, 23 minutes ago
How the fack is this story BBC worthy. It isn't even that good a goal ffs. I was expecting something amazing when I saw the headline. Basically a 40 year old ex pro turning out for a mates team is now worthy of a BBC news story? Wow.
Tbf it's on the Essex section of the local news pages on BBC, hardly a main headline

posted on 22/6/21

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posted on 22/6/21

Ffs I thought they just showed the clip, didn't realise they'd filmed an interview about it too

posted on 22/6/21

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posted on 22/6/21

Tbf I'd click it too, so not surprised. It's good seeing videos of pros/ex pros playing with regular folk.

posted on 22/6/21

comment by Michael. (U1170)
posted 1 hour, 51 minutes ago
Tbf I'd click it too, so not surprised. It's good seeing videos of pros/ex pros playing with regular folk.
I played in the same team as Ali Hamidi when we were about 13. Decent lad and we still keep in touch now and again.

posted on 22/6/21

Disappointed by the goal, I thought it'd be from the halfway line or something. And you know he tried that a couple more times and cleared the fence

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