After todays performance, the owners have said that they will be introducing a new item to the menu at the king power stadium.
Roast lamb with a 4-0 stuffing!!!!!!!
Lets all laugh at derby, lets all laugh at derby, la la la la, blues, la la la la blues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New meal
posted on 1/10/11
posted on 1/10/11
posted on 1/10/11
Bore off, nobody cares about you, well maybe cov do a little bit....but not a lot
posted on 1/10/11
hold on i take the bore off bit back, actually thought i was on the derby boards
posted on 1/10/11
NEWSFLASH - you're not on the Derby board.
So to say you don't care about us when you appear to be camped on our board makes you look rather ridiculous.
posted on 1/10/11
...with a Brown Derby on the dessert menu because they were pretty c**p at times.
posted on 2/10/11
On The Roof sums up his terrribly supported tinpot club.
You can stick your sheep, your manager, your awful team and your best mates Forest up your bumhole
Justifying terrible support by saying we aren't your rivals
posted on 2/10/11
Even more funny is thinking it's acceptable to be thrashed 4-0 because the opposition have spent a bit of money Standards are so low in Derby!
You was robbed by our owners!
posted on 2/10/11
HAHA ridiculous, so any teams with a bit of money should all pack in and give up, its just not fair to everyone else boo frickity hoo!! LMAO
posted on 2/10/11
The Sh*ggers spent millions some years ago and failed to get into the top flight (Paul Kitson et al), so I suppose it is only expected they try and slam us, even though our business model etc is no where near as clincal as theirs' was!