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S.O.S Summer of strikes!

What are peoples thoughts on the strikes that may be happening in the various sectors of public office?

Rail workers now.

It sounds like the teachers are next.

Personally, something has to give..we shouldn't be working full time in 2022 and still having to use foodbanks, it's wrong.

posted on 21/6/22

comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by TBABlue and Yellow. (U9292)
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by The Mighty Tottenham Hotspur. (U7858)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Harambe (U22339)
posted 3 minutes ago
Just heard on the radio that’s posties are going on strike

Power to the people!
Yay - no more shiiite flyers/adverts/junk Mail they the letter box!!!
What about my dole cheques?
There used to be a guy on here worked in the N.I. dole office. Can't remember who it was though.
Dodgy bastirt, mind him well.😉

posted on 21/6/22

comment by Silver (U6112)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Irishred (U2539)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Luke Combs - FJB (U3979)
posted 30 minutes ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Luke Combs - FJB (U3979)
posted 7 seconds ago
At least we agree on one thing.

We probably agree on country music, given your user name.

I went to an Ole Red restaurant in the US a few weeks ago. Owned by Blake Shelton with live country acts on every night. Was a great evening.
Big Blake Shelton fan. I was in Nashville a couple of weeks ago, if you're a country music fan I simply cannot recommend it enough. Tbh not even necessarily country music, they play anything and it's the best quality live music anywhere in the world.

I was drunk and asked a band to play Beer Never Broke My Heart in the style of Alice in Chains. Best $20 I ever spent.

Morgan Wallen and Hardy are my go to's at the moment.
Fred please tell me you wear a Stetson? I’m only joking before anyone gets their silkys in a twist
I’m heading to Nashville the next fortnight. Cant stand c&w but willing to give it a shot. Appreciate any tourist recommendations.
Ride em 🤠

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted on 21/6/22

At the moment, we've been told that we shouldn't ask for pay rise as it will cause inflation. However, workers haven't got the real term payrise for the last 2-3 years now, and we still see huge inflation.
Not the case. Gov asking for restraint in what is asked for else inflation runaway will become self-fulfilling.

As for the last 2-3 years, would workers rather have had no job? Reality for employees is many employers took the 10% non-furlough hit and kept folk on level pay on top of business being depressed for many. Of course some exceptions. Rail employees had a few covid risks but had a pretty stress free working environment.

posted on 21/6/22

you peasants should be happy with whatever we rich buisness owners give you, your lucky slavery isnt allowed.

posted on 21/6/22

comment by red_evils (U19878)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by red_evils (U19878)
posted 15 minutes ago
comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 21 seconds ago
comment by red_evils (U19878)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 14 seconds ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 20 seconds ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 15 seconds ago
comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 7 minutes ago
A quick Google shows deflation has only occurred twice in the last 60 years in the US.
I think you've got this one wrong.

Nah, it's all going to be OK. We're going to go through a period of deflation after this.

The fact deflation is the sign of a serious economic downturn doesn't matter either.

Whether deflation or inflation is positive or not depends on the extent and the causes. To say it is just reflects serious economic downturn is far too simplistic.

You're talking to me about simplistic given your economic posts on here?

You havent made a single contribution to this thread other than "ha ha youre an idiot" type comments in response to others opinions.

The only thing you have said that indicates any tiny bit of knowledge you have about economics is the comment" deflation has happened only twice in the US so it wont happen this time". Your assumptions are simple and when challenged you revert to deriding people rather than countering with an economic understanding that goes beyond you googling when deflation last happened.

Very happy to debate but not with fake-know-it-alls like you,
You're simplistic because:
- You're assume the oil/gas price are the major element the drive inflation. And it will be resolved in not so long time.
+ No one know when Ukraine war will end, and also after it ends, we'll still need to deal with the consequences for years (more spending on military, re-build Ukraine after war...).
+ There're other elements that impact inflation which Gov won't mention about: Brexit, Uk's low growth compare to G7. Those won't be resolved anytime soon

Let's assume the fuel and gas price reduced a bit next year, I doubt we'll see produce price reduce to reflect that. The shop owner will review the cost of their supply chain and see none of it reduce, so the likely scenario will be they'll keep price the same.
If the inflation reduce to 0% next year, it will mean the price are the same as it is now (after 7% inflated), rather than we go back to where we were before this year inflation.

I havent detailed what i think effects inflation, I only gave the example of energy. many things are baked in like increased living wage etc, so wage costs will not go down. there are also worker shortages and massive supply chain issues across many sectors. these shortages themselves drive up costs, just like truck drivers almost being able to name their price last year. Brexit and other things also contributing but while our inflation is very high other countries are also high including Germany & US which are not affected by these other political issues you cite - low growth / brexit.

I agree that a lot of these things are more structural and prices were going up anyway, regardless of the energy crisis & Ukraine, but some of the causes are really at the extreme end, caused by rarely seen factors such as the pandemic, and it is a bit of a perfect storm that, in my opinion, will see some adjustment when we come out of. It happened after WWI when massive inflation resulted from the previously not experienced world war, followed by a period of huge adjustment of deflation.

Yes, I think we're going somewhere now.

At the moment, we've been told that we shouldn't ask for pay rise as it will cause inflation. However, workers haven't got the real term payrise for the last 2-3 years now, and we still see huge inflation. So my argument is, rather than let the workers being the sacrifice, we should look at the one who really benefit in the past period. Why can't we put cap on rental price rise? Why can't we put restriction the dividend benefit?
Pensioners will receive 10% rise as Gov confirmed today - where is the anger then? We can afford 10% rise for pensioners but 7% for train staffs is a big no - why? Maybe because pensioners are likely to vote for Torys, unlike the small guys in Unions

I would say that pensioners are typically far more on the margins than those in the RMT, not to mention a much bigger part of the population. It may be a vote winner but im sure thats not the only motivation.
I can tell you that exactly the motivation. As you pointed out, pensioners are much bigger part of population, so affording 10% rise would be much harder than the RMT request.

Do you know why Gov just stood aside and let the strike happen? Because it is a win-win situation for them. The strike put Labour into difficult position where Torys can give the public a reason not to vote for Labour as side with the Union. Grant Shapps lied when he said it is just the matter between train providers and the Union.

Also, you're still refering RMT as Train driver which was already pointed out as incorrect. RMT members average salary around 34k/year. You cannot say look at the teachers, nurses... as the reason not to ask for pay rise. After the pandemic, I would think that we're all happy for the public workers to have a good payrise. I hope the teachers & NHS Union would be as strong as the RMT.

I respect that's your slant on it mate. There will be political motivations but I think most moderates would consider pensioners to be the more needy with no ability to affect their financial situation.

personally I wad astounded that a ticket Inspector gets the same as a nurse and generally that the rmt av. wage was so high for a role requiring just a short period of training.

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted on 21/6/22

Do you know why Gov just stood aside and let the strike happen? Because it is a win-win situation for them. The strike put Labour into difficult position where Torys can give the public a reason not to vote for Labour as side with the Union.
Indeed, and the very reason politicians should not be allowed to run the country. Similar scheite with a Labour gov.

posted on 21/6/22

comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by red_evils (U19878)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by red_evils (U19878)
posted 15 minutes ago
comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 21 seconds ago
comment by red_evils (U19878)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 14 seconds ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 20 seconds ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 15 seconds ago
comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 7 minutes ago
A quick Google shows deflation has only occurred twice in the last 60 years in the US.
I think you've got this one wrong.

Nah, it's all going to be OK. We're going to go through a period of deflation after this.

The fact deflation is the sign of a serious economic downturn doesn't matter either.

Whether deflation or inflation is positive or not depends on the extent and the causes. To say it is just reflects serious economic downturn is far too simplistic.

You're talking to me about simplistic given your economic posts on here?

You havent made a single contribution to this thread other than "ha ha youre an idiot" type comments in response to others opinions.

The only thing you have said that indicates any tiny bit of knowledge you have about economics is the comment" deflation has happened only twice in the US so it wont happen this time". Your assumptions are simple and when challenged you revert to deriding people rather than countering with an economic understanding that goes beyond you googling when deflation last happened.

Very happy to debate but not with fake-know-it-alls like you,
You're simplistic because:
- You're assume the oil/gas price are the major element the drive inflation. And it will be resolved in not so long time.
+ No one know when Ukraine war will end, and also after it ends, we'll still need to deal with the consequences for years (more spending on military, re-build Ukraine after war...).
+ There're other elements that impact inflation which Gov won't mention about: Brexit, Uk's low growth compare to G7. Those won't be resolved anytime soon

Let's assume the fuel and gas price reduced a bit next year, I doubt we'll see produce price reduce to reflect that. The shop owner will review the cost of their supply chain and see none of it reduce, so the likely scenario will be they'll keep price the same.
If the inflation reduce to 0% next year, it will mean the price are the same as it is now (after 7% inflated), rather than we go back to where we were before this year inflation.

I havent detailed what i think effects inflation, I only gave the example of energy. many things are baked in like increased living wage etc, so wage costs will not go down. there are also worker shortages and massive supply chain issues across many sectors. these shortages themselves drive up costs, just like truck drivers almost being able to name their price last year. Brexit and other things also contributing but while our inflation is very high other countries are also high including Germany & US which are not affected by these other political issues you cite - low growth / brexit.

I agree that a lot of these things are more structural and prices were going up anyway, regardless of the energy crisis & Ukraine, but some of the causes are really at the extreme end, caused by rarely seen factors such as the pandemic, and it is a bit of a perfect storm that, in my opinion, will see some adjustment when we come out of. It happened after WWI when massive inflation resulted from the previously not experienced world war, followed by a period of huge adjustment of deflation.

Yes, I think we're going somewhere now.

At the moment, we've been told that we shouldn't ask for pay rise as it will cause inflation. However, workers haven't got the real term payrise for the last 2-3 years now, and we still see huge inflation. So my argument is, rather than let the workers being the sacrifice, we should look at the one who really benefit in the past period. Why can't we put cap on rental price rise? Why can't we put restriction the dividend benefit?
Pensioners will receive 10% rise as Gov confirmed today - where is the anger then? We can afford 10% rise for pensioners but 7% for train staffs is a big no - why? Maybe because pensioners are likely to vote for Torys, unlike the small guys in Unions

I would say that pensioners are typically far more on the margins than those in the RMT, not to mention a much bigger part of the population. It may be a vote winner but im sure thats not the only motivation.
I can tell you that exactly the motivation. As you pointed out, pensioners are much bigger part of population, so affording 10% rise would be much harder than the RMT request.

Do you know why Gov just stood aside and let the strike happen? Because it is a win-win situation for them. The strike put Labour into difficult position where Torys can give the public a reason not to vote for Labour as side with the Union. Grant Shapps lied when he said it is just the matter between train providers and the Union.

Also, you're still refering RMT as Train driver which was already pointed out as incorrect. RMT members average salary around 34k/year. You cannot say look at the teachers, nurses... as the reason not to ask for pay rise. After the pandemic, I would think that we're all happy for the public workers to have a good payrise. I hope the teachers & NHS Union would be as strong as the RMT.

I respect that's your slant on it mate. There will be political motivations but I think most moderates would consider pensioners to be the more needy with no ability to affect their financial situation.

personally I wad astounded that a ticket Inspector gets the same as a nurse and generally that the rmt av. wage was so high for a role requiring just a short period of training.
"personally I wad astounded that a ticket Inspector gets the same as a nurse and generally that the rmt av. wage was so high for a role requiring just a short period of training."
Not really true in case a train operator who needs to learn about all signal and process quickly, but I can leave this argument aside.
I'd say nurses and teachers deserve pay rise too. It mainly due to Tory's austerity policy that reduce investment in public services. That model is getting to a broken point as it is now.

posted on 21/6/22

Rich people don't have to strike.
They just change the rules.

Get it?

posted on 21/6/22

comment by ...TUX... (U22398)
posted 52 minutes ago
Rich people don't have to strike.
They just change the rules.

Get it?

Sounds about right.

posted on 21/6/22

If you don't work hard enough to be able to afford a car then you deserve all of the chaos the train strikes bring. If you currently can't get to work it is because of your laziness for the majority of your life. You're a failure

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