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Heatwave England people

Hello my English friends

All English people struggling in this heatwave- please staye strong.

Remember your ancestors colonised entire and whole countries in this heat so just think of them.

posted on 19/7/22

Remember, when having barbecues in your garden, playing loud music can annoy your neighbours.
Another good way to annoy them is to tip their wheelie bin over.

comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 19/7/22

comment by Poolmyfinger (U12438)
posted 2 hours, 19 minutes ago
“ Remember your ancestors colonised entire and whole countries in this heat so just think of them.”

To be fair, those countries would still be in the Stone Age if it wasn’t for them.

Like the US?

posted on 19/7/22

Fack me it’s that hot that if Michael Barrymore invited me to a pool party I think I’d go.

posted on 19/7/22

If Barrymore invited me I wouldn't go. I wouldn't be ars*d.

posted on 19/7/22

comment by Ruiney (U1005)
posted 2 hours, 53 minutes ago
comment by Poolmyfinger (U12438)
posted 2 hours, 19 minutes ago
“ Remember your ancestors colonised entire and whole countries in this heat so just think of them.”

To be fair, those countries would still be in the Stone Age if it wasn’t for them.

Like the US?
Aren’t they trying desperately to get back to the Stone Age?

posted on 19/7/22

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 6 hours, 15 minutes ago
We gave you democracy, a legal framework, roads, railways and cricket.

In return you gave us Chicken Madras.
No, we made the democracy, legal framework, roads and railways to make it easier to rob the world of all it's produce and natural resources.

How else do you move hundreds of trillions worth of precious stones, minerals, agricultural produce to the UK and human beings to concentration camps?

posted on 19/7/22

comment by Assassin Baby - (U1282)
posted 26 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 6 hours, 15 minutes ago
We gave you democracy, a legal framework, roads, railways and cricket.

In return you gave us Chicken Madras.
No, we made the democracy, legal framework, roads and railways to make it easier to rob the world of all it's produce and natural resources.

How else do you move hundreds of trillions worth of precious stones, minerals, agricultural produce to the UK and human beings to concentration camps?
it was their own fault,all they cared about was cricket !

posted on 20/7/22

I have worked with temperatures above 40 degrees and can say with empirical evidence that heat is good for health

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