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Wrestlers React via twitter RAW SPOILERS

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I thought i would post some wrestlers reactions on twitter to what happened

CM Punk
I think a lot of people are missing the point. Fans and coworkers alike. Walking out is a pusseh move. There's a huge difference in what I did. I want change, and I can't change sheet from my couch. I'm in the fox hole. I'm getting it done. I stayed to fight and I'm fighting for change. You can protest, violently or peacefully without actually showing up. Walking out isn't a solution at least not one that I've ever seen work. Hold 'em up. Make them change. Don't just walk out, or lay down. Fight. This goes for fans as well. Bored? Don't like @johncena ? Want more @ZackRyder ? Show up and be heard. Don't be a pusseh and just tweet about it. I want change, and I'll stand and fight for it even if I'm alone. Popular or unpopular, I could care less. Take your voting and shove it.

William Regal
We choose separate paths but my heart went out to him last night as for whatever has happened in our respective lives,we where once friends. I don't agree with the superstars on any of there reasons for walking out on HHH.I just want him to share some of his burden. And I hope this message gets to him and he respects my view.

If you see any others please post


posted on 5/10/11

had to change swear words for punk

posted on 5/10/11

You can always rely on Punk to say it how it actually is despite everything kayfabe.

On a side note, why is that the American's say 'could care less' where as we say 'couldn't care less'?

comment by Bruno (U1664)

posted on 7/10/11

whos the other sin cara

posted on 7/10/11

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