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Are Leicester fans bothered anymore?

About the state of their club? The rapid decline under Tops leadership? The appalling football management from Rodgers over the last 12 months? The state of the club finances? The players leaving for nothing or in Maddison’s case not wanting to sign a contract he would have done 2 years ago?

This is a club declining faster than Sunderland when they got relegated twice on the bounce and all Leicester fans can say is ‘meh’. Why is that when fans were calling for O’Neills head in the early days, turning against Little after he left, vocal about Mghee. This is a far worse decline then we’ve seen arguably since the late 80s and we are going down without a whimper

Leicester fans seem to have become sanitised. Once vocal supporters possibly have been priced out of games, replaced with middle class aging fans and families who go along for a bit of PL entertainment. They won’t be going to any championship games so why should they be bothered?

The saddest thing to me as a Leicester City supporter is not necessarily the trashing of a club by Top - but the acceptance of it by the so-called fans. Discuss

posted on 27/3/23

Ps. Sorry for the delay. Been a busy weekend away and a rather large hangover on Saturday where looking at my phone hurt my soul 😂

posted on 27/3/23

Hey no worries! I would say based on your response above that there is a dividing line between you and me and Foxello as follows;

- Regardless of whether you want Top to stay and turn it around or not (because that’s a different question) - both me and Foxello have come to the conclusion that Top is not up to the job as chairman. That’s what Foxello said

Based on your response above - you don’t know. That’s fine - for you the jury is out on whether Top can turn this around whereas for me and Foxello - we’ve both come to the reluctant conclusion that he can’t

That’s where the difference is - and it’s a pretty big difference. It’s one of acceptance basically and for me I don’t need any more proof or time to judge whether Top is capable of getting this club back on track. I just know he isn’t

posted on 27/3/23

I’ll repeat Foxellos statement again to be clear

“ and my head is telling me that Top is not up to the job and it's hurting the club.”

For you the jury is still out on whether Top is up to the job as chairman. Perfectly valid opinion - but you see the difference….

posted on 27/3/23

Now that everyone is apparently fully aligned with me, would now be a good time for me to post my "Sven Goran Eriksson was good for us, actually" article?

posted on 27/3/23

comment by Foxello (U6985)
posted 25 minutes ago
Now that everyone is apparently fully aligned with me, would now be a good time for me to post my "Sven Goran Eriksson was good for us, actually" article?
😂😂😂 Foxello. Now that’s a discussion which might cause some comment; especially if it’s done in comparison with some previous stewards of the hot seat.
I remember with great fondness Matthew Muirhead Gillies, Jimmy Bloomfield, Jock Wallace, Martin O’Neill, Nigel Pearson and even (wait for it) Mad Dog Martin Allen!
Gordon Milne was half decent and Paulo Sousa showed promise.
And then of course there’s Don Claudio Ranieri. Pretty sure he benefited hugely from the foundations laid by Pearson. When he tried to change it, it all went downhill.
Bet that has the potential to create some interesting comments!
Oh, and Brendan Rodgers started off ok!
UTF 😊🦊

posted on 27/3/23

comment by Foxello (U6985)
posted 1 hour, 8 minutes ago
Now that everyone is apparently fully aligned with me, would now be a good time for me to post my "Sven Goran Eriksson was good for us, actually" article?
Don’t you dare! 😡😡😡

posted on 27/3/23

comment by 99 Problems (Top - invest in the squad and sack Rodgers) (U12353)
posted 1 hour, 42 minutes ago
comment by Foxello (U6985)
posted 1 hour, 8 minutes ago
Now that everyone is apparently fully aligned with me, would now be a good time for me to post my "Sven Goran Eriksson was good for us, actually" article?
Don’t you dare! 😡😡😡

posted on 27/3/23

comment by 99 Problems (Top - invest in the squad and sack Rodgers) (U12353)
posted 2 hours, 58 minutes ago
comment by Foxello (U6985)
posted 1 hour, 8 minutes ago
Now that everyone is apparently fully aligned with me, would now be a good time for me to post my "Sven Goran Eriksson was good for us, actually" article?
Don’t you dare! 😡😡😡

posted on 27/3/23

Glad we’re all aligned in being closely align but also not aligned 🙃.

SGE though, I’ve almost blanked him from my mind that he was ever at our club. Lols.

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