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Bye bye Leicester (and 606)

It’s been great getting back into the debating this season again but as the club disappears into oblivion because of our incompetent chairman, then in gonna do the same

I’ve got no desire to watch the likes of TB and Mersey try and pin the blame everywhere but the chairman and the board for our failings, which is basically what the next 2 years of this board will look like.

There’s some great posters on this site (foxello, Nuneaton etc) but unfortunately there’s still a handful that refuse to accept reality and in my opinion deserve what this club is handing out to them next season.

I’ve banged on about where the real problem lies for 2 years - if people can’t get it by now they never will. Those with the same agendas will continue to blame Rodgers for everything - but those who get it will understand he was enabled at every turn by the real culprit

There’s only one person responsible for the fastest decline of a club since Leeds and that’s Merse……no sorry, that’s Top of course. Until Leicester fans wake up and demand change at board level and possibly even new owners, then nothing will change. It’s been complacency and a small club mentality from many fans that has left Top and the board completely unchallenged. That has to change if we are to ever come back

Stay safe!

posted on 8/4/23

comment by Foxello (U6985)
posted 26 minutes ago
comment by 99 Problems (but Rodgers ain’t one) (U12353)
posted 11 minutes ago
The fans have an incredibly powerful voice Foxello. It’s pretty much the only opinion an owner will listen to. Had the fans turned on Top far earlier in the season then Rodgers would have gone months ago. That’s what drives me mad about TB and Mersey - they’re part of the “hey we’re just grateful to be here” collective. Loads of fans like that. Loads of fans who just like Top haven’t seen the warning signs
I agree to an extent but it's worth remembering that the first protests against Rodgers were after the Palace game - Top looked like an unimpressed schoolboy scolded by his teacher. It made no difference and Rodgers stayed for another 6 months. There's no real evidence that the fans turning quicker would have had any major impact, and we'll never know for certain anyway.

Man Utd and Spurs fans have protested again their owners for years but it's made no difference. Top and King Power have financial interests in the club and any decision to sell up will be largely based around those interests, not fan outcry.

As I have said previously, fans need to split the KP reign into the Vichai era and the Top era. The first was a successful legacy, the second had been a steady decline that has put a wrecking ball through it. I can understand why some fans aren't willing to do that, though, and want to maintain the illusion that it's one continuous ownership. I think that's wrong but I get the emotional connection, especially after 13 years of ownership. If the club continues on this steady decline, the voices of discontent will get louder and louder.

We’ve never protested against ENIC properly bar a bit of singing - reason why we’re still lumbered with the useless toszers

posted on 8/4/23

Ted Lasso’s Blue Army

posted on 8/4/23

Marsch is a disastrous appointment that will set the club back even further and write off any chances of bouncing back in the championship

He’s Rodgers lite - a one system guy who apart from trying to press the opposition in a narrow formation has no back up plan. He can’t adapt, defensively atrocious and employs a kick and rush strategy - this guy will make Rodgers look like Fergie

This is worse than any of us could have predicted - a shocking desperate appointment that should finish off this fraudulent owner once and for all.

comment by Stoopo (U4707)

posted on 9/4/23

JM might just keep you up. He will definitely kick arses.

However if you do stay up I think it’s because Everton look to have had their new manger bubble burst and are absolute dross. I think they have a tough run in too.

Of course we aren’t out of trouble but a win over Palace tomorrow will ease the tension somewhat.

Good luck. I hope you stay up - but not at our expense 😏

posted on 9/4/23

comment by Stoopo (U4707)
posted 7 hours, 45 minutes ago
JM might just keep you up. He will definitely kick arses.

However if you do stay up I think it’s because Everton look to have had their new manger bubble burst and are absolute dross. I think they have a tough run in too.

Of course we aren’t out of trouble but a win over Palace tomorrow will ease the tension somewhat.

Good luck. I hope you stay up - but not at our expense 😏

Everton have the second best run in of the sides down there, home games against: Fulham, Newcastle, Bournemouth, Man City. Away games: Palace, Leicester, Brighton, Wolves.

As for Leicester and Marsch, next week is a write off, but if he can get Leicester at it for the next 7 then they should have enough. Whether he is the right man long term is questionable

posted on 9/4/23

I admire the blind faith of neutrals who still believe that we're "too good to go down". I mean, it's also pretty unfathomable that anyone could look at a club that is a complete Omnishambles on and off the pitch, that has a group of players renowned for being weak bottlejobs, that has lost the joint most games this season (including losing twice to Southampton and Bournemouth) and that has just lost three winnable games in a week, and still think "Leicester? Yeah, they'll be fine".

Seriously guys, you're taking more copium than even the most optimistic and blind-faithy, Keep the Faith type Leicester fans. Maybe you know more about us than we do - only a few more weeks left to find out!

posted on 9/4/23

For all those who believe that we've got the best squad of players in the relegation battle and we're too good to go down I suggest they look at the Premier League Table this morning. We're in a relegation spot and 19th after 30 matches. We've lost 19 times, including home and away defeats to both fellow strugglers Bournemouth and Southampton.

None of which fills me with much optimism. I hope that 99, Foxello, myself and others are all wrong and you neutrals are right - but I just can't see it. We're going to be getting better value for our season tickets next year.

posted on 9/4/23

To the OP, I'm incredibly saddened when anybody decides they don't want to contribute any more, but I fully understand your reasoning.

This forum has been considerably enriched by your passionate presence - which will be sorely missed.

I hope that you may return enthused some day after you have a break and wish you all the best.

posted on 9/4/23

comment by Nuneaton_fox (U7936)
posted 10 minutes ago
To the OP, I'm incredibly saddened when anybody decides they don't want to contribute any more, but I fully understand your reasoning.

This forum has been considerably enriched by your passionate presence - which will be sorely missed.

I hope that you may return enthused some day after you have a break and wish you all the best.

Thanks pal and look after yourself. Keep on challenging the deluded on here. Remember you and Foxello are the crew on the titanic knocking on doors and begging the passengers to get to the lifeboats. Mersey and TB are the ones who refuse to believe the ship could sink

posted on 9/4/23

I have no idea why you are so worried, OP. Just sue Everton even if you finish 18th...

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