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Article Rating 4.2 Stars

The incompetence of Daniel Levy

Roll up! Roll up! Place your favourite footballing negligence here, I’ll add the good ones to the article:

1. Sacks Jol at half time for ramos
2. Sacks Redknapp for AVB
3. Tries to move spurs to Stratford
4. Tries to help kill competitive football with the ESL
5. Refuses to back Poch and his painful rebuild
6. Sacks Poch, hires Jose to win trophies
7. Sacks Jose a few days before a cup final
8. Spends 72 days hiring Nuno after promising a return to spurs DNA
9. Sacks Nuno, hires a win now manager in conte and gives him a project budget
10. Sacks conte, hires conte assistant, sacks the assistant then hires the assistant’s assistant
11. Hires a dof under investigation for fraud. Dof gets banned from football whilst in role
12. Sells berbatov and replaces him by loaning Frazier Campbell
13. Gives a title challenging rednapp team Saha and Ryan Nelson for the final push
14. Can’t seem to find anyone to pay for naming rights
15. Sacks AVB, hires Tim f a cking sherwood
16. Pays himself the highest chairman wage in the league as he raises the season ticket prices to the highest in Europe
17. Wins one trophy in 23 years
18. On the subject of kane..... Decides to hold him hostage (Granted that's his brothers fault too ) but then decides not to build a decent team around one of the world's best CFs for the past 7-8 years -diamondlights
19. manages to loan Doherty to Atletico Madrid even though we had too many loans and therefore had to pay up Dohertys contract and watch him go on a free - striketeam
20. Didn’t sign a single player for nearly two years whilst we were in the champions league
21. Tried to furlough non playing staff through covid
22. Wasting the world record fee he got for Bale
23. The f a cking cheese room fiasco

posted on 26/4/23

comment by Diamondlights (U20501)
posted 3 hours, 28 minutes ago
I wouldn't pay Daniel Levy to walk my dog or to run a bath...... I'd just end up with a wet dog !
You'd end up with the dog lost & your downstairs soaked

posted on 26/4/23

comment by Sheriff JW Pepper (U1007)
posted 19 minutes ago
Promised a cheese room...didn't deliver

Play up Pompey

posted on 26/4/23

When you lay it all out, Levy really is the most incompetent Chairman of a football club in the entire league, and the highest paid!

Maybe if he had any interest in building a successful football team he would do a better job, there is no surprise that he does an excellent job with the off the field stuff, given that is where the real profits are to be made and is the main focus.

posted on 26/4/23

This was a great article with only sandy being deleted. Perfect untill don screwed it up by quoting him. Come on Don.

posted on 26/4/23


comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 27/4/23

I defended Levy in the face of mild adversity for many years, but the 2 years prior to this made me genuinely question him, and this last year has been an absolute disgrace. Quite simply he is not fit for purpose to run anything at all to do with the football side of the club. Happy for him to work on the commercial and branding but that should be secondary behind the actual football.

Quite clearly not the man to elevate us to the next level and needs to completely step away from ALL footballing matters.

This is as bad as I can ever remember it being at spurs, and that includes when we used to have the odd flirt with relegation in the 90s.

posted on 27/4/23

comment by Chronic (U3423)
posted 33 minutes ago
I defended Levy in the face of mild adversity for many years, but the 2 years prior to this made me genuinely question him, and this last year has been an absolute disgrace. Quite simply he is not fit for purpose to run anything at all to do with the football side of the club. Happy for him to work on the commercial and branding but that should be secondary behind the actual football.

Quite clearly not the man to elevate us to the next level and needs to completely step away from ALL footballing matters.

This is as bad as I can ever remember it being at spurs, and that includes when we used to have the odd flirt with relegation in the 90s.



posted on 27/4/23

You going to finally admit i was right all these years Chronic? The amount of stick you have given me.

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 6/5/23

comment by Don_tottenham (U3372)
posted 1 week, 2 days ago
You going to finally admit i was right all these years Chronic? The amount of stick you have given me.
nah because you were running the agenda when he was actually doing a good job. its only the last few years it has fallen apart

posted on 6/5/23

comment by Chronic (U3423)
posted 38 minutes ago
comment by Don_tottenham (U3372)
posted 1 week, 2 days ago
You going to finally admit i was right all these years Chronic? The amount of stick you have given me.
nah because you were running the agenda when he was actually doing a good job. its only the last few years it has fallen apart

Not at all. I knew exactly what was coming so was correct all those years. Just admit you were wrong.

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