Personally I love my Blackberry. JA606 works great on there, even corrects spelling mistakes and grammar bla bla bla... It shows the full site and is pretty fast. So all in all JA606 is brilliant with my Blackberry
What about Iphone anyone tried JA606 on there? Or any other phone...
There was talk about creating a JA606 App couple articles below but I don't think we really need it. I wouldn't buy it because it works perfectly well with my internet and phone that I have currently.
Anyway debate away...
Iphone or Blackberry
posted on 7/10/11
I've got an I-phone and i dont see why we'd need an App as it runs instantly even on a low signal so i dont know what the fuss it about.
posted on 7/10/11
"Now I've got a HTC Desire HD and it is quite honestly the best phone I have ever owned."
It's an amazing phone.
posted on 7/10/11
HTC desire!!!! That is an incredible one.
It's the one I've got!
posted on 7/10/11
I had an iPhone and loved it but I managed to break it 18 months in to a 24 month contract I decided to purchase a cheaper HTC to tide me over till I'm due an upgrade and I despise it - roll on January I say
posted on 7/10/11
This site runs quicker on my iPhone than my laptop! Rip Steve jobs
posted on 7/10/11
iPhone all the way! As above, the site is best viewed on an iPhone over my PC and laptop!
posted on 7/10/11
try samsung galaxy s2, the best phone I ever had. Have been using it for almost 3 months. Ja606 is as good as it is on the computer, very fast and looks the same. Plus you can download loads of other apps that are great! Its also better than IPhone4 feature-wise and cheaper as well.
posted on 7/10/11
galaxy wins!
posted on 7/10/11
When r some new high end HTCs coming out? My contracts up in march I think
posted on 8/10/11
HTC PHONES..............Watchdog.
If you are thinking of buying a HTC phone you might be interested in this piece that watchdog did on them.
Spam filter wouldn't let me post link as it was so you need to delete the word DELETE to use link.