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LIVE: Leicester vs QPR

Here we go then guys - it’s match day, this time away at lowly QPR. Let’s hope we smash them. Line up below



21Ricardo Pereira

posted on 28/10/23

Oh and 99 I am aware from past comments you occasionally let the passion and opinions affect your knee jerk outbursts, I don’t appreciate being told to “go away” if I post a different opinion to you and I certainly won’t

posted on 28/10/23

comment by a foxes voice (U1133)
posted 9 minutes ago
Oh and 99 I am aware from past comments you occasionally let the passion and opinions affect your knee jerk outbursts, I don’t appreciate being told to “go away” if I post a different opinion to you and I certainly won’t
You will absolutely will go away if I filter you. That’s how the site works. I couldn’t care less if you have a different opinion to me - what I care about is being able to post how I feel about Leicesters performances on a match thread without being told to look at the league table if I’m happy. That’s just a ridiculous comment. If you don’t like what I’m saying - post on someone else’s thread. It’s really that simple.

posted on 28/10/23

comment by a foxes voice (U1133)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by 99 Problems (but Rodgers ain’t one) (U12353)
posted 15 minutes ago
comment by a foxes voice (U1133)
posted 6 minutes ago
Unfortunately we didn't have the ability to win ugly last season, as such we got relegated. Look at the league table if you're unhappy with Leicester or Maresca
This is just plain stupid. No one is saying we’re unhappy with Leicester right now. No one is saying we’re unhappy with Maresca. But today was very very sloppy and we were bailed out by a wonder strike. This wasn’t winning ugly - this was playing very badly and getting away with it because of the gulf in class.

I’ve every right to feel annoyed during the game watching that. If you don’t like the comments - go somewhere else
99 you’re an intelligent bloke, I don’t have to tell you we’re not going to storm every match, some days, for whatever reason we don’t gel like we all want us to. With respect this was exactly winning ugly
You sound like you didn’t watch it to be honest. Winning ugly to me is not being at your best, but fighting hard to grind it out. This game was nothing like that at all. At times it was borderline unprofessional as a display.. We were complacent, sloppy and frankly lazy at times. It was a performance that said ‘hey we just need to turn up to get the 3 points’. I actually think performances have begun to slip lately and we’ve been getting away with it. Some fans might be in for a bit of a shock when we play Leeds if we don’t get back to performances of a few weeks ago

posted on 28/10/23

filter away BS although I’m really not challenging you, simply having my own opinion

posted on 28/10/23

comment by 99 Problems (but Rodgers ain’t one) (U12353)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by a foxes voice (U1133)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by 99 Problems (but Rodgers ain’t one) (U12353)
posted 15 minutes ago
comment by a foxes voice (U1133)
posted 6 minutes ago
Unfortunately we didn't have the ability to win ugly last season, as such we got relegated. Look at the league table if you're unhappy with Leicester or Maresca
This is just plain stupid. No one is saying we’re unhappy with Leicester right now. No one is saying we’re unhappy with Maresca. But today was very very sloppy and we were bailed out by a wonder strike. This wasn’t winning ugly - this was playing very badly and getting away with it because of the gulf in class.

I’ve every right to feel annoyed during the game watching that. If you don’t like the comments - go somewhere else
99 you’re an intelligent bloke, I don’t have to tell you we’re not going to storm every match, some days, for whatever reason we don’t gel like we all want us to. With respect this was exactly winning ugly
You sound like you didn’t watch it to be honest. Winning ugly to me is not being at your best, but fighting hard to grind it out. This game was nothing like that at all. At times it was borderline unprofessional as a display.. We were complacent, sloppy and frankly lazy at times. It was a performance that said ‘hey we just need to turn up to get the 3 points’. I actually think performances have begun to slip lately and we’ve been getting away with it. Some fans might be in for a bit of a shock when we play Leeds if we don’t get back to performances of a few weeks ago
Well I did watch it, no we didn’t play well today, but we had a classic Maresca performance against a decent Sunderland and Swansea, we were in total control the whole game, yes we have to play better against Leeds (who two games ago lost to Stoke) but that’s another day

posted on 28/10/23

comment by a foxes voice (U1133)
posted 6 minutes ago
filter away BS although I’m really not challenging you, simply having my own opinion
There’s a difference between having your opinion “hey, I don’t agree” and just saying something completely childish like “look at the league table if you’re not happy with Leicester”. That’s just facking idiotic isn’t it? Have I been saying ‘Maresca out’ or something? By all means challenge away awf but if you can somehow bring yourself to do it half intelligently or without making antagonistic sweeping statements then we can have a discussion. Trust that helps

posted on 28/10/23

comment by 99 Problems (but Rodgers ain’t one) (U12353)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by a foxes voice (U1133)
posted 6 minutes ago
filter away BS although I’m really not challenging you, simply having my own opinion
There’s a difference between having your opinion “hey, I don’t agree” and just saying something completely childish like “look at the league table if you’re not happy with Leicester”. That’s just facking idiotic isn’t it? Have I been saying ‘Maresca out’ or something? By all means challenge away awf but if you can somehow bring yourself to do it half intelligently or without making antagonistic sweeping statements then we can have a discussion. Trust that helps
We’ll be good 99 we always have in the past

posted on 29/10/23

Awf - I apologise for my posts yesterday. As you’ve said knee jerk and very much a result of a lot of personal stress I’m going through at the moment. I wouldn’t filter anyone for having a different opinion to me and on another day I would have responded differently

posted on 29/10/23

comment by 99 Problems (but Rodgers ain’t one) (U12353)
posted 3 hours, 25 minutes ago
Awf - I apologise for my posts yesterday. As you’ve said knee jerk and very much a result of a lot of personal stress I’m going through at the moment. I wouldn’t filter anyone for having a different opinion to me and on another day I would have responded differently
No worries mate 👍

posted on 30/10/23

Just read the thread belatedly this morning.

A lot of intensity and emotion on here, which absolutely should be encouraged. Hope all OK at your end, 99... I did wonder, based on some of the points made, but fantastic acknowledgement too yesterday.

I didn't catch the match at all, so was reliant on updates throughout the afternoon. It sounds like we need a bit of a wake up call and for Enzo to ensure the players aren't just coasting based on our ridiculously impressive league position.

I checked Burnley's stats from last season. 22 points from 14 and 25 from 15. If we win against Leeds, we will be 42 from 15, which is an astonishing situation to be in.

We won't win every game. We will definitely lose a few points along the way. We are in a good moment and habit picking up wins when not at our best. I don't think we've reached our best at all yet (a lot of pundits are saying the same). Enzo has changed a lot in a short space of time. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't hit top form until after Christmas...

No Ndidi. No McAteer (who has been a stand out player I think the first couple of months). Also, QPR was never going to be an easy game. Every team in the division is trying to simply stop us from winning. That means every team will be in a low block and tough to break down. They will work so much harder too (because effort sometimes beats ability).

I think we will beat Leeds comfortably. They will come to play and I think we will have a good day. Long may this form continue.

Have a good week everyone.

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