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Newly promoted teams

There have been some extremely poor teams being promoted to the prem over the years with no surprises that they go straight back down.

However the 3 that have come up this year -luton, burnley and Sheffield United - have to be considered the poorest of the lot

Its saying something that if and when Everton get a 12 point deduction fir financial irregularities you would still fancy them to finish above the 3 teams mentioned above

I thought Burnley would be a lot better than they are to be honest. Wasn’t expecting much from Luton. But i am very surprised about how utter garbage Sheffield United have been.
Surely a contender to beat Derbys points record?

posted on 30/10/23

It's very possible the three promoted teams go down and the three relegated teams from last season come back up

posted on 30/10/23

comment by Bobby Dazzler (U1449)
posted 8 minutes ago
Problem with Burnley is they coasted the championship and I think Kompany was under the illusion he wouldn’t need to change their style in the PL

That’s and he had a load of quality loans that gave them a massive advantage over the rest of the Championship.

Again, Burnley’s resource compared to Luton’s is night and day.

posted on 30/10/23

comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 7 minutes ago
It's very possible the three promoted teams go down and the three relegated teams from last season come back up

Leicester should never have dropped, they were just terribly mismanaged.

Leeds and Southampton have settled after tricky starts - Ipswich have a chance of holding that automatic spot and upsetting them.

Boro will be the team to watch though I think, after a poor start due to selling their best players, Carrick is again working magic there and I think is going to be the next emerging “Eddie Howe, etc”

posted on 30/10/23

Leeds, Leicester and Saints would have all survived this season with the teams they went down with. All 3 were unlucky that the league was really competitive last season. Everton can consider themselves lucky that if they were to get there 12 pt deduction this season when they broke rules over orevious seasons yet get away with it due to pi55 poor competition in the prem this season.

Leicester are coming up, Leeds are comfortably the next best side but got fobbed off with the transfer saga early season and we've fallen behind. Ipswich, Boro and Saints complete the promotion battle.

posted on 30/10/23

Didn't Sheff U sell a couple of their best players just before the start of the season? I saw some comments from their fans saying they didn't think they stood a chance this year.

But yeah, this might be the worst bottom 3-4 I can remember. Dropping points to any of them would put you at a real disadvantage, as you have to assume every team in European contention should be getting max points off them.

posted on 30/10/23

I don't think all 3 promoted teams have been relegated since the 90s. It may happen this season.

posted on 30/10/23

comment by Jenius99 (U4918)
posted 44 minutes ago
I don't think all 3 promoted teams have been relegated since the 90s. It may happen this season.
Has happened only once in PL history - around 97 I think.

posted on 30/10/23

comment by Striketeam7 - There used to be a football club over there (U18109)
posted 3 hours, 55 minutes ago
The terrifying thing is at least one of Luton, Sheff U, Burnley or Bournemouth will stay up and Everton look dead certs to stay up even with the points deduction.

I have a soft spot for Luton, as I live 20 mins away and grew up with a load of Hatters. I feel they deserve some respect, by far the smallest budget of all the sides and they are very competitive, no one has really pumped them yet - that direct style will cause a few teams problems, would love it if they are the side to scrape up
If i were everton i wouldnt even bother to appeal any deduction. Just take it on chin now and will only be 5/6 points off safety anyway

posted on 30/10/23

comment by Son Of Gunnersaurus a.k.a SoG (U1310)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Striketeam7 - There used to be a football club over there (U18109)
posted 3 hours, 55 minutes ago
The terrifying thing is at least one of Luton, Sheff U, Burnley or Bournemouth will stay up and Everton look dead certs to stay up even with the points deduction.

I have a soft spot for Luton, as I live 20 mins away and grew up with a load of Hatters. I feel they deserve some respect, by far the smallest budget of all the sides and they are very competitive, no one has really pumped them yet - that direct style will cause a few teams problems, would love it if they are the side to scrape up
If i were everton i wouldnt even bother to appeal any deduction. Just take it on chin now and will only be 5/6 points off safety anyway

Indeed, if DCL stays fit then they won’t have any problems - he is well overdue an injury free period. I can see safety being about 25 points this year, maybe lower, that’s how bad these teams are.

Sheffield United have looked good at times - it took 2 injury time goals for us and City to beat them, then you see them at the weekend or against Newcastle and they are atrocious.

Burnley had to return all the loans that got them promoted.

Luton, sensibly stuck the Prem money into sorting the lot ground and future out - but it meant they have 1 arm tied behind their back this season.

Bournemouth got rid of a very capable manager for a guy who isn’t half as good

posted on 30/10/23

Burnley have had a tough start fixture wise, but Saturday was a missed opportunity.

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