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Wolves v Chelsea Match Thread

Sunday 24th December - 1pm - Molineux

Live @ https://www.ja606.co.uk/articles/viewLiveArticle/459516
One match ban enabled

Not sure how tickets have sold for this but the club emailed me and offered me the chance to buy an additional two tickets per supporter number for this one, imagine my shock & surprise upon enthusiastically mentioning this to friends and family to receive responses which amounted, at their most positive, to "shove it up your ar*e mate" and in one case no more than laughter.

Fingers crossed we may see the return of Neto for this one for at least part of the game to add a bit of urgency to our attacking game. Our undoing last weekend was at the back however and a return to a formation where our easily unsettled defense is more comfortable would be welcome.

Chelsea seem to be finding some form after a start to the season that has been pretty similar to ours, just hope we dont allow them the kind of opportunities to hit us as we did with WHU. Palmer is starting to find the net regularly and is providing the threat up front that they have lacked.

Goldi's prediction an optimistic 1-1

posted on 24/12/23

Agree that Gomes was Brill today, rarely seen him have a bad game at home, if he can keep these levels up he should get a good number of caps for Brazil.

posted on 24/12/23

I thought Doherty was a wingback

posted on 24/12/23

speaking of wing backs, grewt to have Ait-Nouri back, makes a big difference in getting us up the field.

posted on 25/12/23

I was pleased with our performance after West Ham. Surprised at how poor Chelsea were.
Happy Christmas everyone.

posted on 25/12/23

Last 7 games at Molineux. Wolves unbeaten, 15 points, scored 11 conceded 7

posted on 25/12/23

And Wolves have scored in every one of their last 16 home games

posted on 25/12/23

No doubt in my mind we are better going forward these days. You can see we actually get bodies forward and in the box now which is something we didn't do.

Feels like our more mobile midfield is playing a part in that change.

posted on 26/12/23

Don’t think anyone had us down for being eleventh on Boxing Day? Great achievement evidently by GON.

Can’t help wonder if Lopetegui is suitably embarrassed by what’s happened since he ran away from the challenge

posted on 26/12/23

As a negative stance with tomorrow’s game in mind. Wolves haven’t won any of their last 14 games in London

posted on 26/12/23

comment by Spangles (U17289)
posted 31 minutes ago
As a negative stance with tomorrow’s game in mind. Wolves haven’t won any of their last 14 games in London

Is that you BigVraji?

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