With his multiple accounts he was able to dish out 1 like candy.
P.s I have a feeling Ricky66 was Bunburyist too.
Now we know who the 1 star bandit is!!
posted on 9/10/11
Lexy, how many stars do you usually give my articles?
WayneOrder, liven up you miserable
posted on 9/10/11
Lexington 125.2 vorsprung DEEEEENCH technik (U8879)
One thing comes to my mind when I read you name. It should be:
Vorsprung durch DEEEEENCH Technik if your name refering to a german headline???
posted on 9/10/11
The "DEEEEENCH" replaced the durch to be honest.
It's not really meant to make sense.
Just giving a little username love to Frimmers and Merty.
posted on 9/10/11
Yeah, that's it Lexy, just ignore me
posted on 9/10/11
Lexington 125.2 vorsprung DEEEEENCH technik
That's one cool user name.
It's better than Lexington Steele.
posted on 9/10/11
Sorry Kam.
In answer to your question, the amount of stars I give out are usually related to how many "lol"s there are in an article.
posted on 9/10/11
"In answer to your question, the amount of stars I give out are usually related to how many "lol"s there are in an article."
I'm guessing you always give John 5 stars then?
posted on 9/10/11
posted on 9/10/11
Lex: Sorry I thought different (I am a german).
posted on 9/10/11
Ja, das ist wahr.
Sorry to have mangled your language so.