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Arsenal to rescue Kane from Bayern NITEMARE

With rumours that Kane has been involved in dressing room bust ups and is seeking a return to the PL, should Arsenal save Kane’s career?

Chelsea and United are both rumoured to be interested but I’m guessing Kane will want to play in the CL.

Arsenal need a striker. Kane can move back to North London and play for his boyhood club. Bayern get £100m, everybody is happy.

Spurs fans, how do you feel about the absolute fact that Harry Kane will play for Arsenal next season?

posted on 23/2/24

comment by Ace (U14461)
posted 1 hour, 22 minutes ago
Didn’t realise it was International Complete Belllends Day.

Well, at least you were alerted before you missed out the event completely Aceole?

posted on 23/2/24

it needs to happen to finish the arc. Back to where it al started for Kane!

comment by Ace (U14461)

posted on 23/2/24

comment by WeekendOffender (U22920)
posted 57 minutes ago
comment by Ace (U14461)
posted 1 hour, 22 minutes ago
Didn’t realise it was International Complete Belllends Day.

Well, at least you were alerted before you missed out the event completely Aceole?

Here he is, as guaranteed as sheite on a farm, although he’s been hiding for a while after his shameful manipulation of another members passing the other week. What happened to “you’d better give me a wide berth on here in future…”?? You were very very cross indeed weren’t you big man? Yet here you are sniffing round me again as usual, facking pathetic littlecunt you are.

Run along and iron your overalls you miserable Brummie peasant - long shift at the lorry park tomorrow, that low paid menial labour won’t do itself will it?

posted on 23/2/24

comment by Ace (U14461)
posted 23 seconds ago
comment by WeekendOffender (U22920)
posted 57 minutes ago
comment by Ace (U14461)
posted 1 hour, 22 minutes ago
Didn’t realise it was International Complete Belllends Day.

Well, at least you were alerted before you missed out the event completely Aceole?

Here he is, as guaranteed as sheite on a farm, although he’s been hiding for a while after his shameful manipulation of another members passing the other week. What happened to “you’d better give me a wide berth on here in future…”?? You were very very cross indeed weren’t you big man? Yet here you are sniffing round me again as usual, facking pathetic littlecunt you are.

Run along and iron your overalls you miserable Brummie peasant - long shift at the lorry park tomorrow, that low paid menial labour won’t do itself will it?

Triggered again Aceole, you bullied as a child hard man cant. Busy day emptying portaloos?

Boasted for nearly five years about upsetting another poster who was enjoying his poetry! Nasty bullying, small man syndrome piece of Shiite.

Don’t get angry again though or you’ll get banned you w⚓️


posted on 23/2/24

Ace Garnett raging!! 😂😂

comment by Ace (U14461)

posted on 23/2/24


Then comes sniffing round me as usual. You couldn’t make up how pathetic it is.

I was really really scared when you got all cross and angry, remind me again why I should give you a wide berth? What are you gonna do exactly? And if I should be giving you a wide berth why are you sniffing around me like a lost puppy again? Answers to all the above on a postcard please.

Hope the other Wolves fans have disowned you for abusing their mates death as a way of cheap point scoring you fecking worthless miserable vile piece of skum.

posted on 23/2/24

I notice you went into hiding last weekend Aceole you cowardly piece of Shiite? Was to be expected after lil old Wolves completed the double over your Laughing Stock of a club at White Elephant Lane. 😂

Mocking a man’s poetry and bragging about it for years you fackin disgusting individual.

Thanks for the six points though Ace Garnett. Gem would have loved sticking that up your ar5e you bullying cant.

That “give me a wide berth” line has really triggered you hasn’t it? You pathetic fackin mug.

comment by Ace (U14461)

posted on 23/2/24

Triggered me Just amusing to see you try and act like a big angry man when you’re a mincey balled little puzzy. “YOU’D BETTER GIVE ME A WIDE BERTH IN FUTURE!!!!!” Then proceeds to carry on sniffing round after me, what a facking gutless weed

posted on 24/2/24

Oh, no mention of going into hiding last weekend you fackin cowardly yellow streaked bully? Wolves ripped your beloved Laughing Stockspurs a new one and you ran off!

Everybody knows you just troll around this site trying to intimidate and bully other vulnerable posters, were you bullied as a child?

How proud of yourself you were when you upset poor old Gem by mocking and insulting his poetry, what a disgusting and abhorrent individual you are.

You don’t like it back though do you Ace Garnett? CAPITALS!! That’s how angry and triggered you are

My advice to you son, don’t be ashamed of what you are. That’s your parents job 😂😂

posted on 24/2/24


Ace Garnett 😂😂

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