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Leeds v Leicester

Good evening pop pickers
Welcome to weekend hopefully
A good start to it,,,
Teams in
Surprised to see Choudhury in The
Starting line-up, id think in defence though πŸ€”


21Ricardo Pereira





posted on 24/2/24

"I’m reading the signs of the last 3 years. The financial mess, the running of the club, the hapless DoF and employing a manager who is clearly playing a style of football that will get us battered next season a la Burnley. It’s not just me that’s concerned - far from it."

If the way you played last night is going to get you battered next season than you're living in a nightmare, your play last night was good enough to beat a lot of teams in the premier!..

And on going up, did you win the premier league with the team that you won the championship with, or did you bring any new in?..

You's were by far the better team last night, I was expecting us to be better than we were, but the way you played and a lot of ours having a bad day put pain to that, we were lucky but did what top teams in the premier do, won while playing bad!..

You's will go up and if your bosses do things right, than maybe you could win a few bob like one of yours did last time!..

posted on 24/2/24

comment by LufcGermany (U6066)
posted 57 minutes ago
"I’m reading the signs of the last 3 years. The financial mess, the running of the club, the hapless DoF and employing a manager who is clearly playing a style of football that will get us battered next season a la Burnley. It’s not just me that’s concerned - far from it."

If the way you played last night is going to get you battered next season than you're living in a nightmare, your play last night was good enough to beat a lot of teams in the premier!..

And on going up, did you win the premier league with the team that you won the championship with, or did you bring any new in?..

You's were by far the better team last night, I was expecting us to be better than we were, but the way you played and a lot of ours having a bad day put pain to that, we were lucky but did what top teams in the premier do, won while playing bad!..

You's will go up and if your bosses do things right, than maybe you could win a few bob like one of yours did last time!..
That’s a big conditionality at the end of the statement. “If your bosses do things right”. Let’s see shall we;

1. Relegated with the 7th highest wage bill
2. Let £120m worth of players leave on a free because their contracts were mismanaged
3. Racked up record losses by gambling financially meaning we couldn’t sign players
4. Tried to hire Jesse Marsh last season
5. Did a root and branch review of what went wrong and concluded nothing needs to really change

We’re walking through this division (mostly) because we’re too good.

We have a manager who to his credit is an excellent coach but is a complete amateur at the top level and plays a style of football almost identical to Vincent Kompany at Burnley. You can see how that’s panning out.

Yes we dominate the ball but we concede on average nearly 2 goals a game. Our record against anyone decent is actually poor - what you’re seeing is a flat track bully team that can crush poor sides. Cue last night - Leeds had an off day. We absolutely battered you with the ball and right on cue - we failed to take chances, gave the ball away in the last 10 mins and paid the price. Happened against Ipswich twice, happened against Boro (twice).

We’ll go up - because I could take this lot up. It’s the long term decision making and style of play I’m concerned about - not just the here and now

posted on 24/2/24

I'll add that we have a useless DoF and suffered disastrously when our owner died in the awful helicopter crash in 2018, leaving his son to take over when he was at best, not ready.

He unfortunately doesn't seem to be learning quickly enough and is still making naive decisions - last year following the debacle of our relegation, which mostly came from a combination of being in a poor financial situation and our DoF being far too slow to act on removing a manager who needed replacing, he rightly called for a review of what had happened to see what improvements could be done (the results of which haven't been made public as far as I know). Who does he appoint to oversee the review? None other than the two main progenitors of the situation, our DoF and Chief Executive!

I couldn't see much good coming out of that. Nothing in sight to give long term hope about better management of the football side in particular. To be fair, in the short term our DoF seems to have overseen some reasonable acquisitions this season considering the level we are at now, but I don't have much faith in his medium to long term oversight of the playing side.

posted on 24/2/24

Our massive mistake was being Naive, we should have just flouted FFP and spent big last Summer like the other cheats in the League, we could have claimed it wasn't right as we'd spent on the training ground.

Still, imagine having that poison dwarf little Irish To$$er still at the Club, NO THANKS!

posted on 24/2/24

Not forgetting of course the useless twot would have just pi$$ed the money down the drain on more dross.

posted on 24/2/24

comment by True Blue ( Wake up Boo ) (U9486)
posted 1 minute ago
Our massive mistake was being Naive, we should have just flouted FFP and spent big last Summer like the other cheats in the League, we could have claimed it wasn't right as we'd spent on the training ground.

Still, imagine having that poison dwarf little Irish To$$er still at the Club, NO THANKS!

Yeah we should have cheated FFP, spent more money we didn’t have, pushing the club further towards the financial brink while simultaneously racking up a 10 points deduction which would only have resulted in the same outcome anyway - relegation. But this time, we’d be even more skint than we are and wouldn’t have even had money from the sales of Maddison and Barnes to re-invest

That is brilliant logic - what do you reckon Nuneaton?

posted on 24/2/24

This is a throwback to last season, it's all down to Brendan and there can't be anything to blame on main protagonists behind the scenes - Top, Whelan and Rudkin. As usual there are some elements of truth in the background to what he's saying but It's probably not the way to move forward sustainably!

posted on 24/2/24

Whoosh, the irony in the post went straight over your head

posted on 24/2/24

comment by True Blue ( Wake up Boo ) (U9486)
posted 1 minute ago
Whoosh, the irony in the post went straight over your head

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ oh now it’s irony.

comment by Stoopo (U4707)

posted on 24/2/24

comment by True Blue ( Wake up Boo ) (U9486)
posted 1 day ago
comment by Earl * * Not available in N.I. (U9333)
posted 2 minutes ago
Think we stole that tonight.
You're a smashing team and will be promoted no oroblems

Good luck guys
Think you got it as a present from the Officials actually, 2-0 and it's more than likely game over.

Good Luck though.
These things “even out” though don’t they?

We’ve had some bad and good decisions this season and no VAR is a breath of fresh air. To me anyway.

Talking of fresh air - that gap is now six points, with two teams now and not one. It could be a very nervy end to the season for you.

I guess the old saying “you win nothing in December” has some truth in it after all.

Ipswich are a bloody itch that won’t go away!

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