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Watching the City game last night

Reminded me of our game v Blackburn. Real Madrid defended in great numbers and City, with all their world class players, just couldn’t get the goal they needed to win the game.

Real did waste time but we’re not in the same league as Blackburn. They fouled less as well. But their plan worked.

Is this the new way to play against the best teams? Stifle and hope for a break or penalties.

For me the worst thing they did with this competition was to remove the away goals rule. Had it been 3-3 or even 4-4 City would have progressed and Real would have had to come out and play.

Let’s hope Middlesbrough have a go on Monday.

posted on 18/4/24

always remember Inter vs Barca

Famous game where Jose stopped probably the best club side ever using that tactic.

Reminded the OP of the seminal Leeds v forrest green match.

posted on 18/4/24

comment by Baz tard - Ineos your face, proud owner of the 100k comment, fack you Michael Edward’s and your 5m, th (U19119)
posted 1 minute ago

always remember Inter vs Barca

Famous game where Jose stopped probably the best club side ever using that tactic.

Reminded the OP of the seminal Leeds v forrest green match.


posted on 18/4/24

Too bad two big teams don't go at it. It's why the champ league is sh!t, always someone parking the bus.

posted on 18/4/24

comment by montleeds (U18330)
posted 5 minutes ago

Too bad two big teams don't go at it. It's why the champ league is sh!t, always someone parking the bus.


disagree there mont, quite like to see a tactical game now and again.

A lot rides on these games for teams... I don;t even mind to see some of the so called dark arts come off, Simeone class at that.

football an art form sometimes, defo more to it than 22 blokes trying to score goals

posted on 18/4/24

comment by Stoopo (U4707)
posted 2 hours, 46 minutes ago

Make no mistake though - Real came to defend and had little interest in going forward until the final few minutes.

Funny that Madrid scored in the 12th minute then.

They also scored in the 12th and 14th minutes in the first leg.

City are a great side that can box any team in, but they only led for 18 minutes in total over the course of the entire tie. It's almost as if Madrid played with one eye on the score.

posted on 18/4/24

comment by montleeds (U18330)
posted 1 hour, 6 minutes ago
Too bad two big teams don't go at it. It's why the champ league is sh!t, always someone parking the bus.

The 32 goals over 8 knockout games at an average of exactly 4 per game says otherwise.

posted on 19/4/24

Tactical games are almost all we see.
Leeds see it almost every week but when the biggest team in the world plays for penalties it's kind of disappointing to me.
Spanish, why does it say filtered beneath your comment? Seen this many times all over the site.

posted on 19/4/24

Spanish, why does it say filtered beneath your comment? Seen this many times all over the site.


you filtered me Mont ?

no idea mate?

posted on 19/4/24

comment by The Spanish Italians - its all coming home aga... (U21595)
posted 25 minutes ago
Spanish, why does it say filtered beneath your comment? Seen this many times all over the site.


you filtered me Mont ?

no idea mate?

posted on 19/4/24

comment by montleeds (U18330)
posted 16 minutes ago

comment by The Spanish Italians - its all coming home aga... (U21595)
posted 25 minutes ago
Spanish, why does it say filtered beneath your comment? Seen this many times all over the site.


you filtered me Mont ?

no idea mate?


Good, wouldn't have wanted to offend such a JA606 legend like yourself monts .. tho I think I'm filtered more than the average tbf..

Its never malice - everything I type I say with the intent of humour, or maybe sometimes a bit dry and sarcy talking if I disagree, never malice tho

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