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Rishi Sunak

In startling news that will leave many distressed and concerned, he has revealed that he had a tough childhood growing up.


I think this is proof that he really was just a normal person deep down. I think this interview should convince us all to vote for him!

Save a prayer for Rishi

Here are some Rishi & Sky memes


Are YOU now voting for Rishi?

posted on 13/6/24

comment by Alan Gilzean (U1734)
posted 56 minutes ago
comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 1 hour, 12 minutes ago
I think Rishi is a crap PM, a weak politician with no apparent strength of conviction, real but i have total respect for his upbringing and his background.

His parents have clearly made something from themselves through hard work and dedication, and will have sacrificed things to give Rishi the best chance. He has also done much the same in terms of the high level achievement, particularly as an immigrants son who will not have had doors opened because of who he was or was the son of. His achievements will have been hard earned.

SO fair play to him making a success of himself.

I find the reverse snobbery of some to be pretty pathetic, especially where it exposes distain of anyone who has made something of their lives, whether hard earned or not.
Good morning. I couldn't help but notice that you missed out the apostrophe in "immigrant's son". Can I ask, do you vote Tory? Sorry, just these subtle signs can be picked up on.

posted on 13/6/24

comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by Alan Gilzean (U1734)
posted 56 minutes ago
comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 1 hour, 12 minutes ago
I think Rishi is a crap PM, a weak politician with no apparent strength of conviction, real but i have total respect for his upbringing and his background.

His parents have clearly made something from themselves through hard work and dedication, and will have sacrificed things to give Rishi the best chance. He has also done much the same in terms of the high level achievement, particularly as an immigrants son who will not have had doors opened because of who he was or was the son of. His achievements will have been hard earned.

SO fair play to him making a success of himself.

I find the reverse snobbery of some to be pretty pathetic, especially where it exposes distain of anyone who has made something of their lives, whether hard earned or not.
Good morning. I couldn't help but notice that you missed out the apostrophe in "immigrant's son". Can I ask, do you vote Tory? Sorry, just these subtle signs can be picked up on.


posted on 13/6/24

comment by Alan Gilzean (U1734)
posted 22 minutes ago
To provide more context to that, studying English to a higher level in education is often considered to be a woke thing to do and a waste of time, by more right leaning people.

There is a strong correlation between being creative, literate and being left leaning.

The converse is also true.

My forecasting element allows me to predict that in the near future, correct spelling and grammar will be considered to be woke.

As an algorithm, I have found that when right leaning people are bad at something, or lack something, they turn that thing into a negative if someone else possesses it.

Increasingly, I have found more and more things just being referred to as "woke".

I can only follow the data.

My preference would be to converse entirely by emojis, doing away with much of the English language and all grammar, with the exception of simple, misleading slogans. This may explain my BNP allegiance, as I want to Make Britain a Better Place 💪👊.

comment by Stoopo (U4707)

posted on 14/6/24

I didn’t hear what Sunak actually said but no doubt it’s been taken out of context.

Starmer, not to be overshadowed, also said he grew up without Sky TV. That’s laughable as it didn’t become a thing until he was 26 🤣🤣🤣

posted on 14/6/24

comment by Stoopo (U4707)
posted 2 minutes ago
I didn’t hear what Sunak actually said but no doubt it’s been taken out of context.

Starmer, not to be overshadowed, also said he grew up without Sky TV. That’s laughable as it didn’t become a thing until he was 26 🤣🤣🤣
It wasn’t taken out of context, it was his response when pressed about what sacrifices he had to make growing up and what he had to go without.

Starmer is clearly taking the piiiiiiss out of him.

comment by Stoopo (U4707)

posted on 14/6/24

My political view at the moment?

Tory’s have had 14 years and have endured the mess Labour left, Covid, the Russian war and Brexit. They had a huge majority to get Brexit sorted, stop the boats and grow the economy. Unfortunately they blew it.

I look at Labour and think what they would have done? They tripled the national debt the last time they were in power. OK it’s huge now but would be £3trillion not £2t had that curve continued.

I look at them going forward and it scares me to death. Starmer is a weasel Lammy a fool and Raynor is a thicko.

Like many I think the next few years will be hell if Labour get a huge majority. 16 years olds getting the vote? And if you think your tax is high now…..

Quite rightly the Tories will get a kicking but give it to Starmer and watch the country go even further down the pan.

I’m going to vote but at this point in time I feel like not bothering.

Interesting that the EU has lurched right this week whilst we are going to lurch left. I’m sure those right leaning countries will be more than happy to forward their asylum seekers our way 😏

Thank god football is back 👍

comment by Stoopo (U4707)

posted on 14/6/24

comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Stoopo (U4707)
posted 2 minutes ago
I didn’t hear what Sunak actually said but no doubt it’s been taken out of context.

Starmer, not to be overshadowed, also said he grew up without Sky TV. That’s laughable as it didn’t become a thing until he was 26 🤣🤣🤣
It wasn’t taken out of context, it was his response when pressed about what sacrifices he had to make growing up and what he had to go without.

Starmer is clearly taking the piiiiiiss out of him.
Stamer couldn’t take the piiiiss out of his diiick

posted on 14/6/24

comment by Stoopo (U4707)
posted 8 minutes ago
My political view at the moment?

Tory’s have had 14 years and have endured the mess Labour left, Covid, the Russian war and Brexit. They had a huge majority to get Brexit sorted, stop the boats and grow the economy. Unfortunately they blew it.

I look at Labour and think what they would have done? They tripled the national debt the last time they were in power. OK it’s huge now but would be £3trillion not £2t had that curve continued.

I look at them going forward and it scares me to death. Starmer is a weasel Lammy a fool and Raynor is a thicko.

Like many I think the next few years will be hell if Labour get a huge majority. 16 years olds getting the vote? And if you think your tax is high now…..

Quite rightly the Tories will get a kicking but give it to Starmer and watch the country go even further down the pan.

I’m going to vote but at this point in time I feel like not bothering.

Interesting that the EU has lurched right this week whilst we are going to lurch left. I’m sure those right leaning countries will be more than happy to forward their asylum seekers our way 😏

Thank god football is back 👍
That is the biggest load of untrue bollox anyone has ever posted on here.
Give your head a wobble ffs

posted on 14/6/24

People are mental.

posted on 14/6/24

comment by Stoopo (U4707)
posted 8 hours, 17 minutes ago
I didn’t hear what Sunak actually said but no doubt it’s been taken out of context.

Starmer, not to be overshadowed, also said he grew up without Sky TV. That’s laughable as it didn’t become a thing until he was 26 🤣🤣🤣

“There’ll be all sorts of things that I would’ve wanted as a kid that I couldn’t have. Famously, Sky TV, so that was something that we never had growing up actually.”

Its a funny example as it comes across as a bit of a first world problem.

But actually a lot of people now whose families will be poorer than Sunak's will actually have Sky, or access to it. So while he's getting quite a bit of derision, i would suggest it is something a lot of people, especially football fans, would not want to do without.

And it's actually a choice some will have had to make during the inflation crisis, can they afford these subscription services. People moan like hell when their lifestyle is affected, when covid limited what they could do a required they wear a mask, and its been tough choices with the costs of living hits, most families having to make cuts in some areas.

It's all relative, and as feeble as it sounds from Sunak, it is a legit thing which i think more people can relate to if theyre honest. . However, i still think it was more of a lifestyle choice by his parents who wanted their child to work hard and achieve, with less distractions, rather than they couldnt afford it. Certainly that was what my dad was like. Limited TV access, no consoles (ZX Spectrum or Atari ! )...do your home work and when its done, do some more.

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