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It’s Potter! No wait……It’s Cooper!

In advanced talks now with Leicester closing in on their man, could well be tied up this week. Some Leicester fans will think I’m a bit mad for saying this but while Potter is a superb manager - I don’t know if this one will work out.

As I said before I think it’s an appointment that should have happened 2 years ago but right now we’re not that club. Corberan would have been my option (who I wanted ahead of Maresca), plays good football, very hard to beat and someone who can get us fighting.

Potter is an excellent coach - but it’s an idealistic appointment from the owners (again), prioritising Rodgers ball over pragmatism. It really is as if they don’t understand the situation we’re in

I certainly won’t be disappointed with him, at one point it could have been Oscar Garcia! It just reminds me of one of those heavyweight fights you wait years for and then by the time it happens both fighters are a bit over the hill

Let’s hope I’m totally wrong and he leads us to safety

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

Totally agree,think similar,do wonder if he wants job for right reasons.
Still think Moyes be a good option given our situation.
But not unhappy with Cooper.

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

Well well well! Quite a turn of events. Sounds to me like Potter just isn’t that interested in Leicester, well nowhere near as much as we are interested in him.

It seems an almost schizophrenic move from the board to have Cooper as a back up. His approach and style of play couldn’t be anymore different and a clear signal that Leicester are running out of options.

That’s not to say Cooper is a bad choice, I think he’s a very pragmatic one and suits the situation we are in - but it’s a remarkable turnaround from a club that has prioritised style of play and progressive football above everything else. I think it has more chance of working

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

See in you changed article title 99,is this now getting to be a bit of a farce,another indication of the state of our club.
Lions led by donkeys.

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

Yeah it’s a very strange one Thorney because the Potter news was coming from pretty reliable journos. Fabirizio Romano was suggesting it had got to the stage where staff were being discussed

Im not sure what’s happened but to jump from Potter to Cooper is a pretty big swing - they are nothing alike. It may well end up being the more sensible choice (I actually think Cooper is a very good manager) but once again it smacks of a leadership that are rudderless at times

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

My biggest concern right now is a backlash from Leicester fans who wanted Potter or Corberan. There’s been a strong negative reaction on FoxesTalk and we’re in a situation where we need to get behind whoever comes in. If the fans put him under pressure after 2 weeks then things will unravel

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

I think like I said before,Potter maybe not convinced it is right job for him,and board think he wants it for wrong reasons and heart not in it.
Cooper is more keen to get back into management and sees this as a great chance to prove himself and show his previous club that they should have kept him
If that's the case then all fine.

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

One easy solution to this rather strange situation.
Dear Nigel,are you busy at present,if not give us a call!!

posted 1 week, 4 days ago

comment by thorneyfox (U5061)
posted 24 minutes ago
One easy solution to this rather strange situation.
Dear Nigel,are you busy at present,if not give us a call!!
That will do me-if the club can manage this only in the interim but, perhaps, on a long-term contract.

posted 1 week, 4 days ago


I couldn't agree with you more, I am not an advocate for Cooper but if he is the man in charge come 20:00 against Spurs then he will have my full support ( the same will not be said of Top, Rudderless and Chorlton & the Whelan)


posted 1 week, 3 days ago

So Cooper is confirmed, not my ideal choice but now it's time for unity and pulling together, let the board give Steve the tools to have the best chance at surviving the season ahead.


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