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KDH sold

Off to Chelsea. £30m. Some kid that nobody other than football hipsters have ever heard of is coming as part of the deal.

Second summer in a row that we have had to sell our crown jewels for less than market value. If we hadn't got relegated last season, we would have got far more for Maddison and Barnes. Now we're selling KDH in a rush to avoid a second PSR breach. 27 goal contributions from last season gone with no indication on how we plan to replace him.

Another huge KPFC success. Well done Top, you stupid nepobaby ****.

posted 3 days ago

I see we're reliant on Fabrizio Romano for news about KDH's transfer - which presumably needed to happen yesterday so why haven't the club said anything?

All there is on the LCFC website under news is some pointless drivel from Saturday about Denmark exiting the Euros.


posted 3 days ago

comment by 98 Problems (and promotion ain’t one) (U12353)
posted 16 hours, 4 minutes ago
He’s nowhere near good enough for Chelsea. Very much another Danny Drinkwater signing. Better player than Drinkwater but he’s nowhere near being a big club player
He's got more energy than Drinky had but can't pass as well and is a bit one-footed.

posted 2 days, 7 hours ago

Is KDH a top premier league player and a massive loss to us this season? I’d say not. Is this good or bad business? I’d say good if Cooper doesn’t need the likes of KDH and Winks sideways passing in the team. Do I think he’s good enough for Chelsea’s ambitions? Nope.

Am I also extremely frustrated that we’re not playing this ridiculous game of signing and selling academy players for stupid money to make a mockery of the PSR and FFP rules. Yes.

The club is being naive and it’s extremely frustrating. Fine we’ve sorted theist accounting period with the sale of KDH. Let’s hope we get a lot smarter a lot faster in the latest one so we can do some business this transfer windows and give Cooper the best possible chance.

With the points deduction looming, we may be building towards a promotion attempt next season anyway.

posted 2 days, 3 hours ago

comment by Merseysidefox (U4842)
posted 3 hours, 41 minutes ago
Is KDH a top premier league player and a massive loss to us this season? I’d say not. Is this good or bad business? I’d say good if Cooper doesn’t need the likes of KDH and Winks sideways passing in the team. Do I think he’s good enough for Chelsea’s ambitions? Nope.

Am I also extremely frustrated that we’re not playing this ridiculous game of signing and selling academy players for stupid money to make a mockery of the PSR and FFP rules. Yes.

The club is being naive and it’s extremely frustrating. Fine we’ve sorted theist accounting period with the sale of KDH. Let’s hope we get a lot smarter a lot faster in the latest one so we can do some business this transfer windows and give Cooper the best possible chance.

With the points deduction looming, we may be building towards a promotion attempt next season anyway.
Spot on Mersey. Actually, the way football is going at the moment is likely to frustrate everybody. All clubs playing the same side to side tedious rubbish, ticket price increases all over the place and PSR. What a joke. Completely not fit for purpose, preventing investment at every professional level instead of limiting the mega billions from oil barons with nothing better on which to spend their ill-gotten gains.
And don’t get me started on the offside rule and handball: IFAB really do need to get a grip with that and it’s really quite simple. Offside has to be where the feet are; handball has to be deliberate. Simulation should be a straight red card and a five match ban. It’s CHEATING ffs.
I can see the day coming when football loses its attraction big style. Where will all the money come from then when Sky, TNT and all the rest realise it’s not worth all the money they put into it and pull out?

Disillusioned? Me? It’s getting a bit closer every year.

posted 1 day, 23 hours ago

Could not agree more Warwick - I find my interest in the game dwindling.
Everything is set up for the big clubs to stay that way and anyone who tries to compete is forced to sell their best players...to those same big clubs.

posted 1 day, 19 hours ago

I agree but would add that Villa and Brighton are an example of what can be done if you’re a well run club. Villa in particular - came back up from the championship and have achieved Champions League through successive seasons of brilliant recruitment and selecting the right managers to fit in with the collective philosophy. They’re now in a very strong position of keeping players they want to.

The clubs who are in the bin on the other hand (Leicester, Everton, Forest) have been stung by mismanaging themselves to such a degree they are now forced into selling prized assets to keep within the limits

So while I totally agree that the roles are unfair and simply re-enforce the status quo - Leicester in particular are an example of how to not to run a football club rather than an example of how unfair the rules actually are. Everything we are going through was entirely avoidable.

posted 22 hours, 33 minutes ago

I think that football has always been set-up to benefit the rich cubs and always will be. Much like society. Let’s remember, the big clubs have always been the big clubs since long before the premier league.

However what FFP has done is unintentionally punish clubs from challenging them. It’s meant to stop the Bury’s of this world from going bust, or risking the whole existence of a club gambling on Europe like Leeds did under Risdale. That’s right. Where it’s gone wrong is it also stops owners of clubs that have money and are happy to spend it spending it.

Is that a good thing? Well personally I’d quite like to see a Newcastle and Man City restricted in some way from just buying success every year if left unchecked. But I also think you need to enable competition.

So I don’t think the idea of FFP was wrong, but the application has failed spectacularly.

I totally agree with 99 and the OP in the fact that other clubs have been much wiser to ways around this whilst we’ve not. That was naive from the club and resulted in us selling an asset rather than cooking the books like everyone else.

That’s said, hopefully we’ll wise up to it so we can leverage the rest of this transfer window more effectively.

posted 19 hours, 12 minutes ago

Mersey - you're right that the intention of FFP was a good one, but it has had wider implications that have impacted upon clubs trying to climb the greasy pole.

My solution would be to allow clubs with rich benefactors to spend as much as they want, but ONLY if the benefactors gift that money to the club rather than make it a loan to be potentially paid back at some unspecified date (as is often the case now).

posted 15 hours, 43 minutes ago

comment by For Fox Sake (U4263)
posted 3 hours, 27 minutes ago
Mersey - you're right that the intention of FFP was a good one, but it has had wider implications that have impacted upon clubs trying to climb the greasy pole.

My solution would be to allow clubs with rich benefactors to spend as much as they want, but ONLY if the benefactors gift that money to the club rather than make it a loan to be potentially paid back at some unspecified date (as is often the case now).

Yes totally agree. Any money put into the club needs to be written off like you say. We can saddle clubs with debt that could put them out of business.

I don’t know the answer but I certainly know the current way isn’t working!

posted 27 minutes ago

But to be clear - FFP hasn’t derailed Brighton right? It didn’t stop Villa from going from championship to champions league over a period of a few years?

I’m not an advocate for the current rules - they are wrong, but I just think we have to accept we’re a very poorly run club and are in the mess we are in because of the owners, not FFP.

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