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Why has Gray been sold?

At the moment there's so much speculation regarding the transfer beyond the actual transfer.

Pretty clear he's going for around £40m and we have Rodon coming this way for around £10m.

It's a fair price for a player with incredible potential that has only played one season in the Championship. Could easily be a bargain for Spurs or a waste of money. I really hope he turns out to be a bargain for Spurs and he gets a move to Real Madrid in a few years time.

But up for debate is why has he gone;

1. The club were going to fall foul of PSR regulations for the 23-24 season and needed to bring in around £40m to avoid sanctions. This is the info provided by ADRITK who is very rarely (if ever) wide of the mark.

I don't see how this is realistic though, Kieran Maguire (expert in football finance) doesn't see this as a possibility. Unless we have been lied to about wage reduction clauses? The 49ers also spent last season reassuring us that all was under control with regards to PSR. The fact that the Brentford deal was supposedly rejected based on payment terms also clashes with this narrative because that wouldn't have affected PSR. If we are due a points deduction would the club have risked this over payment terms? maybe, if the 49ers are skint....

2. The 49ers don't have the finances to cover the outstanding transfer fees owed on previous purchases. This would be terrifying because the 49ers will have agreed to the payment structures when the majority of these transfers were made. Would have known what was owed when they completed purchase of the club, and would have been given a discounted price to account for the money owed. Also, if they can't fund the club to save us from the sale of a Gray now, then they won't take us very far in the premier league. PSR could be being used to hide this fact and excuse the 49ers.

3. Archie Gray and his representatives demanded a release clause in his contract in the event of failure to earn promotion. This is the latest line being released by the media and is would potentially make the first 2 red herrings. I hope this is the case and would hold no hard feelings towards Archie gray. If this is the case then expect his transfer to show in the 24-25 season's books. We will know when the financial statement is released next year.

If this is the case then any hard feelings from the Gray family should be none existent and no impact on the future of Harry. Which will be a massive bonus. The 49ers could argue that they rejected Brentford because they could but hands were tied by Spurs offer.

Final option would also mean we were ok for PSR last season, have a massive boost for this season, and now are in a very strong position to bully our way out of the league.

Either way we won't probably won't know for certain what the truth is until the financial accounts are released next year. And even then there's a good chance it won't be clear.

The owners will more than likely spin that it was option 3. And certainly rule out of option 2.

The truth could be a mix of more than 1 option and maybe even all 3.

Be interesting to see how the narrative plays out and how many fans believe each possibility.

posted 5 days, 11 hours ago

LIW, you could have tried reading this bit!..

"But things the way they were it seems we had no choice"

And this I put on Dennis's So what happens now thread, which I think you might have seen!..

"I'd think he knows more about the problems around the club than anyone here, and after talks he might have agreed to it to help the club he loves to get back on track!.."

I do not think he'd go anywhere if there were no problems forcing the issue!..

posted 5 days, 10 hours ago

If we had managed promotion last season then we could have enjoyed him for a few seasons longer
And we would have if his teammates had been half as effective as Archie.

posted 5 days, 8 hours ago

comment by Lorralorimer (U18994)
posted 1 hour, 30 minutes ago
If we had managed promotion last season then we could have enjoyed him for a few seasons longer
And we would have if his teammates had been half as effective as Archie.
He was massive last year. While I think it's a great deal can't help thinking what a shame we can't watch him become a Leeds great.

posted 5 days, 8 hours ago

comment by montleeds (U18330)
posted 40 minutes ago
comment by Lorralorimer (U18994)
posted 1 hour, 30 minutes ago
If we had managed promotion last season then we could have enjoyed him for a few seasons longer
And we would have if his teammates had been half as effective as Archie.
He was massive last year. While I think it's a great deal can't help thinking what a shame we can't watch him become a Leeds great.
Agree, such is the way of these things, I’m afraid we’ve seen the last of Archie at Leeds. Wish him well though

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted 5 days, 7 hours ago

Been said before and plenty of times, losing Archie is
the price of failure. We failed to capitalize on bouncing
straight back up with our largest slice of parachute payments and a decent squad. That's modern football.

Hopefully, the club has a plan for this season. Based
on getting 40 mill for Archie and Rodon back, I think
they do.

posted 5 days, 7 hours ago

It has a hint of Smith leaving, helping the club out financially. It also feels like another James Milner moment, leaving and having a great career elsewhere…and I think he will be that good.

posted 4 days, 18 hours ago

comment by steross17 (U6898)
posted 13 hours, 1 minute ago

It has a hint of Smith leaving, helping the club out financially. It also feels like another James Milner moment, leaving and having a great career elsewhere…and I think he will be that good.


hmm, disagree, Smith, not the same at all ref financial situations.... and Milner, again, bit different, Milner had already proven himself at the top level..

Archie played one season in the championship.

posted 4 days, 14 hours ago

comment by LIW We’re Going Up As f@ck@ing Champions (U8453)
posted 1 day ago
Apart from Leeds, no club can get anywhere £40m revenue in the Champ without parachute payment.

We getting that in pure profit, its an insane deal for a championship club.

Take the emotion out, its an absolute no brainer

I'm sorry but you are deluded. Without the PSR requirement, this deal wouldn't have gotten off the ground. No club with ambition can progress by selling it's best young players. The money will not translate into new signings, it will be disappear in costs, player wages, debts and the rest into the owner's off shore accounts. This is dark day for Leeds and possibly a sign of things to come.

posted 4 days, 14 hours ago

comment by Leedsforever (U15976)
posted 25 minutes ago
comment by LIW We’re Going Up As f@ck@ing The

.....and the rest into the owner's off shore accounts.

Cellino, GFH, absolutely.

49ers? Stakeholders for some of the biggest sports millionaires world?

Give your head a shake 🫨

We can all talk tosh at times, trying to defend our own opinion, but really?? 🤔
Maybe we didn't land on the moon either? 🤷‍♂️

posted 3 days, 17 hours ago

comment by Leedsforever (U15976)
posted 20 hours, 49 minutes ago

comment by LIW We’re Going Up As f@ck@ing Champions (U8453)
posted 1 day ago
Apart from Leeds, no club can get anywhere £40m revenue in the Champ without parachute payment.

We getting that in pure profit, its an insane deal for a championship club.

Take the emotion out, its an absolute no brainer

I'm sorry but you are deluded. Without the PSR requirement, this deal wouldn't have gotten off the ground. No club with ambition can progress by selling it's best young players. The money will not translate into new signings, it will be disappear in costs, player wages, debts and the rest into the owner's off shore accounts. This is dark day for Leeds and possibly a sign of things to come.


Leedsforever, I think its way more deluded to think any club would not accept 40 million quid for a teenager who's never played top level football.

might have been the case back in the 60's/70's, but modern football has totally changed.

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