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KoP 2024-25 RESULTS: ***** Set 4 and end-of-month final scores *****

KoP sets 5 & 5b fixtures: https://www.ja606.co.uk/articles/viewArticle/463182

KOP 2024-25
Set 4 fnal, subject to scrutiny

33 points from the final 4 games of set 4 put Ginolas into top spot for the set. But final day scores of 30 for Bats, and just 3 for Hereford and PatB8, gave Bats a clear victory and a £10 Amazon vouchers prize (to be paid at the end of the season) in the first monthly game of 2024-25.

Pos Team Set .. Team Mnth Mth .. Team Game
. Pts Pts Bon Pts
1 Ginolas 91 Bats 269 20 Bats 289
2 Bats 85 Hereford 244 14 Hereford 258
3 Kops 77 Ginolas 242 12 Ginolas 254
4 Wolfie 77 PatB8 238 10 PatB8 248
5 Lymmb 73 emKriti 229 8 emKriti 237
6 Mont 73 Kops 228 6 Kops 233
7 emKriti 70 Wolfie 228 4 Wolfie 233
8 Kulu 69 Mr M 223 3 Mr M 226
9 CEF 68 Call Sign 219 3 Call Sign 222
10 Mr M 68 Merry 219 3 Merry 222
11 Earl 67 Olhos 218 Olhos 218
12 Banno 64 Middlesex 217 Middlesex 217
13 Middlesex 64 PSD 209 PSD 209
14 JATF 63 Pavchicky 204 Pavchicky 204
15 JFK 62 Oldgoldilox 202 Oldgoldilox 202
16 PatB8 62 Kulu 200 Kulu 200
17 Olhos 59 CEF 199 CEF 199
18 PSD 59 Mont 196 Mont 196
19 Cinci 56 Lymmb 191 Lymmb 191
20 Foxello 56 Foxello 186 Foxello 186
21 Merry 56 Cinci 184 Cinci 184
22 PPLF 54 JATF 179 JATF 179
23 Pavchicky 51 sirken 169 sirken 169
24 sirken 51 Tector 168 Tector 168
25 Hereford 50 Banno 163 Banno 163
26 Oldgoldilox 48 Earl 150 Earl 150
27 Tector 46 PPLF 150 PPLF 150
28 Call Sign 41 JFK 141 JFK 141
29 Admin1 38 Admin1 127 Admin1 127

Cinci, Foxello, and Merry played their 'F' cards and were awarded the average of 56 for the set.

Set 4 fnal, subject to scrutiny

Pos Last Miss Pred Team Set Total Total Mnth +H2H Season KOP
set H2H Name Score Month Pred Pts Bonus Bonus TOTAL
1 4 Bats 85 269 269 20 0 289
2 1 Hereford 50 244 244 14 0 258
3 3 Ginolas 91 242 242 12 0 254
4 2 PatB8 62 238 238 10 0 248
5 13 emKriti 70 229 229 8 0 237
6 11 Kops 77 228 228 5 0 233
7 18 Wolfie 77 228 228 5 0 233
8 5 Mr M 68 223 223 3 0 226
9 6 Call Sign 41 219 219 3 0 222
10 9 F Merry 56 219 219 3 0 222
11 8 Olhos 59 218 218 0 0 218
12 7 Middlesex 64 217 217 0 0 217
13 12 PSD 59 209 209 0 0 209
14 20 Pavchicky 51 204 204 0 0 204
15 10 Oldgoldilox 48 202 202 0 0 202
16 17 Kulu 69 200 200 0 0 200
17 23 CEF 68 199 199 0 0 199
18 16 Mont 73 196 196 0 0 196
19 22 Lymmb 73 191 191 0 0 191
20 25 F Foxello 56 186 186 0 0 186
21 19 F Cinci 56 184 184 0 0 184
22 21 JATF 63 179 179 0 0 179
23 15 sirken 51 169 169 0 0 169
24 14 Tector 46 168 168 0 0 168
25 26 Banno 64 163 163 0 0 163
26 29 Earl 67 150 150 0 0 150
27 24 PPLF 54 150 150 0 0 150
28 28 JFK 62 141 141 0 0 141
29 27 Admin1 38 127 127 0 0 127

posted 3 weeks, 5 days ago

Ginolas (ok> Great start to the new season after the last one spent at the wrong end. Hope it continues and a season with zero "F" cards to make a big difference.

posted 3 weeks, 5 days ago

Straight in at distinctly average

Hopefully I can maintain my position as the grey man for the season

posted 3 weeks, 4 days ago

am i too late to join this?

it wont matter i'll be last anyway...

posted 3 weeks, 4 days ago

comment by JFK - Super Nintendo Chalmers (U8919)
posted 8 minutes ago
am i too late to join this?

it wont matter i'll be last anyway...

Get in to it JFK

Winner hits thousands so one week won't matter

posted 3 weeks, 4 days ago

comment by JFK - Super Nintendo Chalmers (U8919)
posted 5 hours, 24 minutes ago
am i too late to join this?

it wont matter i'll be last anyway...

I will fit you into my Spreadsheet after you submit an entry in the following thread in the correct format today:

You will then need to enter you fixtures predictions for SET 2 on the following thread, preferable fairly soon so I get time to sort out your entry on the spreadsheet
FIXTURES: https://www.ja606.co.uk/articles/viewArticle/463182

Entry is subject to the Game Rules.

posted 3 weeks, 4 days ago

done mate, thanks.

prepare for new records to be set, in schiteness.

posted 3 weeks, 4 days ago

comment by JFK - Super Nintendo Chalmers (U8919)
posted 12 minutes ago
done mate, thanks.

prepare for new records to be set, in schiteness.
Please review your entry.

posted 2 weeks, 4 days ago

Comment Deleted by Article Creator

posted 1 week, 6 days ago

Full entry again with no missed predictions so no "F" cards used. Any fans first "missed" preds get the average set score. Any 2nd and 3rd miss gets lowest score. After that its zero.

posted 5 days, 14 hours ago

Superset Sunday scores for some
Last seasons top 3 all off to a good start showing up already in the top ten of table.
Poor start made this season by some usual top of table Koppers.

Long way to go and note there will be lots more midweek sets due to Champions League fixture changes.

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