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"Nani are you ok"
"Nani are you ok"
"Are you ok Nani"

"You been hit by"
"You been struck by"
"A smooth Carragher"

I hope to hear this on the weekend.

Are there any other funny individual based songs going to be used ?

posted on 12/10/11

Suarez anyone?

posted on 12/10/11


We all have players that bloody exagerate contact injury etc, grow up the lot of you!

Its a girls sport nowdays and the sooner we accept that the better, yes it might be more pleasing on the eye with players like Nani,Suarez,Busquets.Messi etc with the skill they have, but the exageration when they get tackled is pathetic,Barca and Arsenal are the worst in my opinion at this!

I will ask again!, can anyone answer honestly when a players gets tackled nowdays if it is as bad as the player makes out? and i bet the asnwer will be no, or it should be at least!

Big girls blouse players are nowdays, whoever they play for, talented yes but only because the rules suit them, not there actual skill level.

posted on 12/10/11

jenners : agree with what you said. But actually crying ?? Makes me laugh and feel quite sad at the same time. He's pathetic and should be ashamed - but won't.

posted on 12/10/11

So Nani cried when he got a little cut on his shin. Didi Hamann played in a Champions league final with a broken foot.

This just shows that Nani is a little girl!

posted on 12/10/11

no itshows that hamann is a total winker

posted on 13/10/11


I hope you are not one of those crazy old folks who are against everything modern because you surely sound like one. I have no idea how football was in 80s and 90s(only in youtube videos) but I dont see much wrong with football at present. Nowadays its all about technique and possession which is better imo. If you are suggesting game is weak here, you should watch other leagues.

Yes, Nani,Suarez,Busquets.etc dives but its partly because they are trying to protect themselves. I dont condone it but I understand it. Im pacy and mostly play at RW. I learned the hard way that if I try to stay on my feet and try to ride the tackle, next one will come in even harder. Its safer to go to ground and not play on. These are professional footballers so Im sure thats what they think as well.

Having preached all that I might end up all p!ssed off and cranky about the style of football in twenty years but things change

posted on 13/10/11


Love the football being played today i just have a problem with the theatre that goes with it.

We probably have all been guilty watching the game somehow where opositon players have fouled are own and then thinking dirty bar steward he should be off for that, then replays show our own player wasnt actually hurt, and sometimes even touched and it is pathetic to be honest.

Thats the part of the game i dont like and summed up perfectly in the Rivaldo incident that happened a while back when he got the ball in the you know where and went down holding his face, or players who make out they are dying and as soon as the opostion player gets red they have miracoulsy recovered, and yes we all have those players.

All the skillfull players on display today be nice to see proper football, but that is probably half the reason why refs get rough treatment although sometimes even they bloody deserve it for stupid decisions as was proved in the Rodwell incident that wasnt a red but Hibbert who should have got red didnt even get punished.

Getting harder and harder to tell nowdays when players are injured or playacting, i just think its sad and wrong.

posted on 13/10/11

our not are!

Should be something on here where you can edit your own posts.

posted on 13/10/11

Yup, Some of the play acting to get an opposition player sent off is truly pathetic. Issuing yellow cards for diving can reduce the theatrics to a certain degree. its just that refs dont have the b@lls to do it.

posted on 13/10/11

How about retrospective cards? ie after the match has played, a panel look at 'dives' and retrospectively dish out cards?...

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