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The New Home of Common sense!
Available to all those who wish to debate rationally & fairly the comings & goings that are relevant to everyday life in the UK.
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Admin 1
posted 2 weeks, 4 days ago
They can take themselves wherever they want. They can also hide their money far away. They can't take things like houses or property, actual business premises, vehicles, animals etc.
posted 2 weeks, 4 days ago
Of course not they can simply sell them.
posted 2 weeks, 4 days ago
The UK has lost a millionaire every 45 minutes since ...
The Independent › UK › UK Politics
Jan 18, 2025 — Britain lost a net 10,800 millionaires last year, a 157 per cent increase on 2023, including 78 centi-millionaires (worth at least £100 million) ...
posted 2 weeks, 4 days ago
"We are better off with Super rich investment opposed to being with out it imo."
When is this happening? We've just had 14 years of unkept promises of jam tomorrow & trickle down lies whilst the wealth gap increased, costs increased hugely and wages stagnated.
posted 2 weeks, 4 days ago
We are better off with Super rich investment opposed to being with out it imo."
When is this happening? We've just had 14 years of unkept promises of jam tomorrow & trickle down lies whilst the wealth gap increased, costs increased hugely and wages stagnated.
In that time we have had the effects of Tory Austerity, due to the banking crash under Labour. The stagnation that has effected our economy through the refusal of remainers to accept Brexit & of course the actual material effects of Brexit.
& lets not forget the Covid pandemic & the 500m billion that was spent to prop up the economy through Lockdown much of it encouraged by the unions.
All policies that sent our borrowing to ridiculous levels that then requires huge interest repayments , taking money out of economy that could be used for growth.
Imo, the politicisation of a crisis that was the first payback this government paid for with 22% paywards to the union backed public sector , despite the 22bln blackwhole
The private sector cannot afford such grandiose pay rises, it would send inflation out of control.
Our net zero related costs are a significant contributor to the depth of the of the UKs cost of living crisis.
Our open boarders policy that is wedged in by an unelected left wing judiciary that is overburdening our already not fit for purpose public services.
I think we are at point where we the public need to insist that the government reassess why & how we spending the tax take , remove & reduce policies which clear are contributing to our cost of living crisis and inability to invest in growth.
finally, imo taxing out super wealthy people is not going to realign wealth disparity.
I think the reality is money makes money & the super rich are a bonus , not the root of all evil.
A lot of our wealth just goes out the door to tech companies who are taxed overseas. This is an area where we should tighten up, imo.
Increased costs & wage stagnation is a consequence of our lack of growth , high interest payments & policies which are using the tax take for causes which are not to the benefit to the tax payer now or in our lifetime imo.
posted 2 weeks, 4 days ago
& the war in Ukraine
posted 2 weeks, 4 days ago
Following on,
The state of country is testament to the fact that our country was not ready or strong enough to withstand the series of shocks that it has experienced since 2008 (banking crash)
We have been governed by successively poor governments both Tory & Labour, since the 70s.
Our governments failed our citizens when we were in the EU, hollowing out communities, not replacing industry where & when industries were closed.
This developed a resentment against Europe in communities that were hollowed out unfortunately.
The miners, the car industry and so .
Our political system is imo at the root of our problems
posted 6 days, 20 hours ago
Comment Deleted by Article Creator
Good Morning
Doesn't change the mirth aimed at Ifarka for his long winded posts and then finally just letting slip he's not one for voting despite his concerns for this country
As a UK citizen , Tax payer & there in a stakeholder who has seen decades of Political mismanagement by every party who has come into power, I personally believe i have the right to with a clear conscience decide if & when I vote.
As I did explain In latter posts, you may not have bothered to read, I have of course voted, but currently I do not vote because voting for parties I personally do not agree with doesnt sit comfortably with me, hence my ref to feeling like a sheep. Something I am not, but that is my personal position, not a perspective I feel illustrates others.
My not voting I do liken to a personal act of anarchy, possibly not the most accurate term , but never the less an act of personal civil defiance , within a legal frame.
As i did explain to you, something you choose to ignore or in your continuous sarky snipes, is that if the UK had a voting set up similar to Australia , where if you were not in agreement with the parties available to vote for , you can register your vote through an abstention vote.
Something that I would be glad to do if it were available to UK citizens.
Now I personally do not see what is the issue with that stance?
But you have seemed to make a drama out of it , that has bored the pants off everyone.
As I have said to & im sure you know well baiting an argument is as in your words High Wummery & totally hypocritical when considering your comments.Which are in the public domain , they are there in black & white.
The good news is yes, I am back to my work and my time available to enter into such robust political debate is few & far between.
My experience on this thread has been mixed, a few fair posters & a % of posters who are happy existing in an echo chamber of their choice.
Im not surprised, it is the internet & people tend to gravitate to sites where they can feel part of a group with similar opinions.
But for a group of people who seem to pride themselves on being intellectually aware some of the exchanges i was engaged in were, very immature, disrespectful & ignorant.
Dont take my word they are all in the public domain all attributable to the poster in black & white.
That the thing about the net once youve put it out there its out.
Well back to the grindstone, I wish you & all your thread well. I will check in from time to time
posted 6 days, 18 hours ago
Yiu could literally send a glass eye to sleep
posted 6 days, 17 hours ago
? lighter note , Youve got the Title in the bag, domestic double still on ?
As much as i hate to admit it Liverpool have been by far the best club side in the EPL
Anyway Trott on