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'A total disgrace'

Says the 1958 regarding the announced season ticket rises, especially for the clubs older amd most loyal supporters.


Anybody think this is a great idea to prevent the club running out of money?

posted 17 hours, 38 minutes ago

comment by Busby (U19985)
posted 1 hour, 6 minutes ago
Real Madrid £153m

PSG £139m

Arsenal £127m

Bayern Munich £109m

Man Utd £107m

Tottenham £102m

Barcelona £96m

Liverpool £90m

Man City £74m

Chelsea £71m

AC Milan £71m

Atletico Madrid £61m

Marseille £56m

Inter Milan £55m

Roma £54m

Galatasaray £49m

Juventus £49m

Stuttgart £46m

Rangers £44m

Dortmund £44m

The club already make plenty in gate receipts, considering the state of the stadium and the football on offer, going after the fans isn't the right thing to do.

Some really eye catching numbers on this.

1. Bayern / Dortmund disparity is crazy. They have very similar average attendances so Bayern must be charging their fans a lot more than Dortmund are.

2. Spurs just below us in this list but apparently are set to move ahead of us in this season's figures.

3. Real Madrid are making an eye watering amount of money from match day tickets and these figures are before the new stadium stats are included. I imagine it will be even higher soon.

4. City getting 'just' £74m but recently claiming to have the largest revenue in world football is quite honestly hilarious. Is it any wonder nobody believes a word they say?

5. PSG tickets must be insanely expensive. Jobs in Paris, a bit like London, do pay exceptionally well though.

comment by kinsang (U3346)

posted 16 hours, 25 minutes ago

I'm not saying the ticket price hikes are welcome, but given the capacity of our ground, you could say the income from it should be higher than what it is. London clubs will have a premium because of where they are.

But the money men rarely listen to what fans want - a small rise would have been acceptable, but dare I say, they could have targeted the younger generation more rather than OAPs?

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted 15 hours, 58 minutes ago

"2. Spurs just below us in this list but apparently are set to move ahead of us in this season's figures."

Spurs spent £1bn on a new stadium and they're in London.

Their prices SHOULD be higher.

posted 15 hours, 42 minutes ago

comment by Busby (U19985)
posted 15 minutes ago
"2. Spurs just below us in this list but apparently are set to move ahead of us in this season's figures."

Spurs spent £1bn on a new stadium and they're in London.

Their prices SHOULD be higher.
WILL be higher, more like

posted 15 hours, 12 minutes ago

The problem is that whatever the club do it is criticised.

scrapping the free lunches saves £1m is barely 1 month of Casemiro's wages.

5% increase will generate £5m in ticket revenue...a drop in the ocean.

So whatever they do is easily criticised as being small beer and thus avoidable, especially when put in the context of the massive wastage on pitch.

But it does all add up and the club will inevitably address the wastage on the football side when they have a chance to, but that is constrained by contracts and finding buyers for some expensive duds. That isnt an easy fix but may be from a PR point of view some high profile savings made first would look a lot better than making redundancies / hiking ticket prices which currently just appears as the little guy paying the price.

posted 13 hours, 18 minutes ago

comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 1 hour, 42 minutes ago
The problem is that whatever the club do it is criticised.

scrapping the free lunches saves £1m is barely 1 month of Casemiro's wages.

5% increase will generate £5m in ticket revenue...a drop in the ocean.

So whatever they do is easily criticised as being small beer and thus avoidable, especially when put in the context of the massive wastage on pitch.

But it does all add up and the club will inevitably address the wastage on the football side when they have a chance to, but that is constrained by contracts and finding buyers for some expensive duds. That isnt an easy fix but may be from a PR point of view some high profile savings made first would look a lot better than making redundancies / hiking ticket prices which currently just appears as the little guy paying the price.

This. Not to mention that a lot of our fan base also seems to believe that once employed by the club, you should have a job for life. Regardless fo whether we are over staffed or not, everyone should always keep their jobs.

One of many reasons I would oppose fan ownership. We've already had a decade of incapable people running things.

posted 12 hours, 47 minutes ago

I a SICK of ticket hoarding season ticket holders. Let other people have a turn at going to matches or shut the hell up.

Imagine other aspects of life worked in the same way. Need to go to the toilet? Nope, these toilets have season ticket holders so they get constantly sit on the toilet even when they don't even want to poo.

Go out for a nice meal? Nope the restaurants have season ticket holders who go every night so you can never eat.

We are all going to STARVE under that kind of system. Or if we don't starve, then poo ourselves cos season ticket holders hogging all the toilets.

And the selfish season ticket holders have the cheek to complain about having to pay a few more quid for the unlimited number of matches they get to go to compared to our NONE.

They make me sick.

posted 11 hours, 24 minutes ago

Few lads I know in their 30s that are still using their Dads/Grandads ST week in week out and renewing every year for them. At least they’ll be paying similar to me now the tight basts.

posted 11 hours, 7 minutes ago

comment by FFS Mike. (U1170)
posted 16 minutes ago
Few lads I know in their 30s that are still using their Dads/Grandads ST week in week out and renewing every year for them. At least they’ll be paying similar to me now the tight basts.
Do they check whether they are still alive or not? Like how would they know if they died?

posted 11 hours, 3 minutes ago

comment by Calum Ferrie (U1734)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by FFS Mike. (U1170)
posted 16 minutes ago
Few lads I know in their 30s that are still using their Dads/Grandads ST week in week out and renewing every year for them. At least they’ll be paying similar to me now the tight basts.
Do they check whether they are still alive or not? Like how would they know if they died?
Tjey shud send in Musk n his ge child army too wead out the krupshun

He cud send a emale 2 all seasun tickitters askin em aboot the games they supposedly went too

If the dint anser within 24hrs there tickits will b voidied

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