I was with my son's at Palace away, unbelievable day.
The fans stayed behind long after the final whistle,chanting , We are going
to win the league.
It was an,I was there experience,that will long live in the memory of
all who were there.
It was the day on which it finally dawned on the fans that the impossible could actually happen.
We could never have imagined how things would change to the situation we are in now.
The fans are totally disenchanted with the club,and the owners have gone from being worshipped to being sadly disliked,and there seems to be no end to the depths to which we have sunked and are still sinking.
I just find it so sad,have had season ticket for thirty years,
not sure if I want to renew,not sure if I want to go again this season.
I am sure there are many who feel the same.
Just so unbelievable and so sad.
Nine years ago today!!
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