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The start of a new era

Think back, if you will, to summer 2009. Championship survival secured, a busy few weeks saw 9 players arrive for a cool £5.5m. Big ambition, big message and big contracts no doubt for good players on 3 or 4 year deals. The aim: promotion, “if not this season, then next". It didn’t quite happen. The architect for buying players to build the success has gone, along with the same level of financial commitment to continue the strategy. The squad that came so close to achieving the dream is significantly dismantled. Where once there was total unity we get stories of factions and division. So now, mid-season two years on we have a yet another change of manager and crucially, a change of strategy, a real turning point.

Steve Cotterill inherits an under achieving squad, unsure of their own immediate futures, many of whom I feel sure, would rather jump ship and start afresh than roll up their sleeves and do what they have done for the last couple of seasons producing good football for the man who brought them to the club.

He also begins with a clear brief to work within reduced finances with existing coaching staff and players. For the first time in probably 4 or 5 seasons, as of now – forget signings, they are not going to happen. The on field success will depend on the skill, knowledge, ability, desire and determination of those Forest employees already on the payroll, not people who might be, if the manager could get more money out of the board for better players.

In some ways, this is very positive. For the first time in a long time, we the supporters, have a very clear indication of the way in which the club will work. The manager knows it, the chairman know it, the tea lady, the kit man and everybody else. No distractions scouting for stellar signings, just concentrate on getting every ounce out of what players we have. Clear as flipping crystal. You might not like it, but at least it is unequivocal. I take solace from that alone.

Steve McClaren’s problem was, in part, that he thought he was still waiting for pieces of his jigsaw puzzle to arrive and saw fit to rearrange what pieces he had from game to game. He was banking on the hope of pieces he didn’t have to magically fall into place with the various formations and combinations he was trying. It was futile attempt for a successful formula.

Steve Cotterill on the other hand doesn’t have that problem. He knows what he has got to work with and it is just a case of getting on with it. His challenge is to establish a pattern of play, create some unity, organisation and discipline. In a way, he is much better off than his predecessor even before he takes his first training session.

Being positive is not to gloss over our precarious league position. Clearly, the season so far is not what we wanted or expected given the progress of the last two. If the result tomorrow doesn’t go our way, Steve Cotterill will start on Monday with one quarter of the season gone with the team in the bottom 3. Having said that, I fully expect him to lift the players, sort out the turmoil and turn things around.

Any Forest supporter pompous enough to consider Steve Cotterill not to be of the reputation or calibre the club should be looking for should have a reality check; reputations count for nothing. Steve McClaren has just demonstrated that. I would much prefer to have a manager with no reputation and a real plan than the other way around. Even a man with a plan needs some luck though. He’ll need luck with keeping players injury free and luck with goodwill from the Forest sceptic. I wish him all the best.

Finally, a word about the new chairman - Frank Clark. I’m delighted to see him return to the club. I’ve always maintained that there should no room for sentiment when it comes to appointing the manager; it should be about ability not if they once played for us. The role of chairman is completely different however, and to be able to call upon one of the clubs greatest servants is superbly welcome news. He really is a true gentleman, a respected football man and in an ironic twist, could be Nigel Doughty’s finest appointment.

posted on 15/10/11

Nice article. Eloquently put.

comment by TEG (U3639)

posted on 15/10/11

Great article Jedi

Although not my first choice you should never write off a manager before he's even started like a lot of us are doing.

I think it was pretty obvious that SMc didn't know what he was doing in this league and the players were not happy with his and Bill Beswick's style.

We should also remember that even though results have definitely been poor this season so far that in patches we have still played some really good football, so it's still there just need the right man with the attitude to bring that out consistently.

posted on 15/10/11

Good article Jedi. I would like to add a few points:

It is fair to compare the situation now with the situation inherited by Billy Davies and I would say that Steve Cotterill is in a slightly better position. BD inherited a squad which had just scraped promotion from the third tier with little experience of the Championship; SC squad has that experience and has shown to be capable of reaching the palyoffs although there may be too much catching up to do for it to happen this season. If you look at the team that finished last season we have replaced Konch, Boyd and Earnie with Hill, Miller, and Findley but we have nobody to provide the onfield leadership that McKenna provided. On the plus side we can look forward to Dexter's return for the second half of the season and the emergence of Lascelles, Bamford, and Freeman all of whom ought to get a taste of first team action once the ship has been steadied. We will maybe get one or two modest loan signings in too.

I also welcome the appointment of Frank Clark. As a former player and manager he obviously knows the game, and as a former vice-chairman of the LMA is an experienced administrator. There might be a slight concern that as a former manager he might be tempted to stray into SC's operational area rather than restrict himself to strategic matters but there is a risk of that with all chairmen.

posted on 15/10/11

TEG, not only should we not write off the new manager we should give him (and whatever eleven he puts out) our fullest and most vocal backing.

You're right also to say we have played some really good football. Good enough to outplay (for an hour) one team who were in the PL last season, and match (for half an hour) another. We need to add consistency, confidence, and character to our undoubted ability. It wont be easy.

posted on 15/10/11

Cheers folks.

Redfor50yrs - I wouldn't be at all concerned that Frank Clark will interfere in the remit of the manager. I think Frank is shrewd enough to provide football advice and support when the time is right.

I've only seen two games this season - Watford away on the TV and the Birmingham home game. We were pretty awful in both. No shape, no organisation, no ideas. The ball went long from fullbacks upto Miller with alarming frequency. Having said that, I remain convinced the squad has quality. Findley looks exciting. Miller can be a handful and Derbyshire was surprisingly good (a poor man's Teddy Sheringham I thought).

The main thing is (as Billy said on numerous occasions) round pegs in round holes and square pegs in sqaure holes. SC needs to decide on how he wants to setup (presumably 4-4-2) and stick with it. Drill the players on shape and the discipline to keep it. Under McClaren we were all over the place. Little wonder we shipped so many goals. Defend as a team, attack as a team. There remains sufficient experience in the ranks to steer the younger ones. Greening needs to up a gear or two to hit inspiring standards. If he can, he might be better placed to captain the side than Chambers.

The other thing is fitness. The players do not look as sharp as I remember them being from last season. Bill Beswick's departure as "performance" coach was a good thing me thinks. Of course, sharpness might be affected by confidence and that will have taken a hit. SC bills himself as a hard worker; you have to hope that transmits itself to the players. They have let themselves down so far. The capitulation against Birmingham was a disgrace - they just didn't seem bothered. I think SC will need to erradicate that straightaway.

COYR - I hope they can win today.

posted on 15/10/11

I don't think 4-4-2 is the best option at the moment because we don't have any genuine wide midfielders. When MacCleary and Anderson are fit then yes but until then I think it has to be either a midfield diamond or 4-2-3-1.

Many of our problems have been caused by allowing opponents too much space wide. Reid, Majewski, and Mcgugan all have a tendency to drift inside when playing as wide midfielders, this gives time and space to opposing fullbacks to advance and put in crosses which we then have difficulty defending.

posted on 15/10/11

Jedi someone who actually talks from the heart without being angry about losing past managers. Now going on to the article, very good read and I actually think it's a good appointment for you guys. He knows the league, he is going to struggle to find the gems in the lower leagues though, cause some of them are trying to over price championship clubs. This could be a very good road to recovery for you guys, hopefully you will stay in the league........................... Now where's these fans who were knocking our policy at Derby County??

posted on 15/10/11

Quality article, not much to add other than 5 stars.

posted on 15/10/11

Really really wish you guys success under the new regime. Sound leaders, committed players and sensible accountants - the only way for any of us to survive now.

comment by Maяcо (U1329)

posted on 15/10/11

Very good article, welcome to our world...a world of fiscal responsibility, blood, sweat & tears

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