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Article Rating 2.67 Stars

Wenger ain't good out of his comfort zone

Put it this way, Wenger won't dare drop Ramsey who tbh is very poor since getting shawcrossed. At the moment Chamberlain should definitely start ahead of Ramsey, I see no reason why we should continue wrapping the talented and hungry AOC in a dry cotton wool.

We should unleash the little Tiger on Sunderland, I have confidence of AOC's ability, he can rip any defences with no qualms whatsoever. Talking of indecisions, Wenger is also clueless, how come we sign Ju Young Park, who is on a two year deal but not play him especially with our poor conversions rate?. Park is on form playing for S. Korea and recently he bagged a couple to beat Poland and his winner was a beauty,18 yards bender free kick.

Also Wenger isn't doing Chamakh any favours, he rarely use him and when he decides to, he ain't brave enouh to change the system to accomodate Chamakhs aerial prowess. If you decide to play the Moroccan International, you know his strength is headers so why play him on the wings while he needs to be in the middle where he's effective receiving crosses from the likes of Santos, Gibbs, AOC, Walcott, Rosicky etc.

Chamakh actually scored for his country the other day, yes you've guessed, another header, so he needs games or sell him. As we know Walcott isn't a winger, but Wenger is too stubborn to change his freaking mind. We have seen Wenger at his poorest lately, when it comes to buying players. He seems to be too cautious and indecisive, he signs good players and let them leave on free, but persist with average players which has ruined our season of late.

I still think he is more of a liability than an asset, and he is way too insecure for my liking, I use to, like many fans, admire Wenger, but this current Wenger is short and shot of confidence and ideas. Ever since he started playing the clubs politics instead of coaching and managing the team, he has acted like a mercenary and deserves no sympathy from punters.

His biased positioning with the current regime could only be classed us a selfish act to save his job. Like most fans I wish he can prove us doubters wrong but I fear unless we take drastics steps, we might be doing him and us no favours in this most inconvinient forced marriage of sorts, especially when our respect and love was shattered for eternity.

posted on 15/10/11

I agree with some of your comments.
However Wenger is no mercenary! - if he was he would have been off a long time ago, at the likes of Real Madrid or Barca. Wenger is a loyal man - complete opposite to a mercenary.

posted on 15/10/11

Also agree with some of comments, wenger does seem to love playing people out of their natural position, we have wasted arsharvin on the wing for years... He does not track back he won't provide cover, he is a central player.... Stick him on the wing

As for it being Wenger acting like a mercenary, no chance, how would that help him in any way, why would he want to sit and watch us play dross?

posted on 15/10/11

Out of his comfort zone at a club he has had over 10 years of total control over?

There's literally nobody else to blame for your current situation.

posted on 15/10/11

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posted on 15/10/11

His biased positioning with the current regime could only be classed us a selfish act to save his job.


Lord Wilshere - that statement is ridiculous.

Why would Wenger want to save his job? Is it under threat? Even if he got the shove, most of the big clubs in Europe would be clamouring for his services.

His current faults - and therefore the teams lack of success - stem from his control freak nature. He appears to want a finger in every pie instead of coaching the first team and leaving the boring stuff to others.

Otherwise, agree with all your points about him playing players out of position - or not at all in the case of Park and Miyaichi (?). Don't understand the bloke sometimes but.................Have four

posted on 15/10/11

Chamakh to Bender and back again, both a load of old tosh, need to get them off the pay check ASAP

posted on 15/10/11

Lord Wilshere - that statement is ridiculous

Sir Dennis, sorry for the long response............for me Wenger seems to prefer the American for his selfish ends, I doubt he wants Usmanov running the club hence running him out of town to permanent retirement he deserves. Wenger and Pat Rice are yesterdays man, we need fresh ideas and we all know it.

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