Hmm, so it seems a few of you came bounding over to the City board after the 3rd minute of our game tonight. Me thinks you should have saved your "banter" until the final whistle!
I pity your women
posted on 18/10/11
Your team has bought it's way to where it is and none of those players would touch you with a 40 ft pole if you didn't offer them wages they don't deserve.
posted on 18/10/11
Comment Deleted by Site Moderator
posted on 18/10/11
Adebayor loves spurs and will play for them for free as soon as a permanent deal can be struck
posted on 18/10/11
Not what I meant but he wouldn't expect those kind of wages unless you hadn't been so desperate to buy him that you paid him that much
posted on 18/10/11
Money in football benny?! This is absurd! Stop it now City, stop it now!
posted on 18/10/11
I'm tired
We'll pick this up the morrow!
I really need to find out why you are all so obsessed with City
Nighty night you bitter and twisted bunch of oddballs.
posted on 19/10/11
City s
posted on 19/10/11
oh dear, wait until you've finished your group before you come on giving it the big one. Villareal away, Napoli away and Munich at Eastlands... Even if you somehow sneak in second you'll likely go out in the next round.
Up to now your club has been a waste of a good CL place.
posted on 19/10/11
"really need to find out why you are all so obsessed with City"
Dejongs :
Give a man enough rope, and he will hang himself.
But only a complete moron goes and builds the gallows too.
Your quote above will now be served on you each time your Spurs OCD brings to Spurs 606 on a non Spurs/Citeh related matter.
posted on 19/10/11
RBDB, This is true, but I am a know dikhead