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Scho, letsch imagine schome schignings

First of all, just a big thank you to Billy Davies. His tenure was bittersweet. Some of the best football we've had in a long time. Nobody should forget in a hurry his contribution from where he picked us up and how much he improved the club. He said the day he arrived about his time after Forest because sure is eggs is eggs, he'll get the boot. But for an unrelenting pursuit of public confrontation, he'd still be in situ - availability of Steve McClaren or no availability of Steve McClaren. Ironic really, he could manage a football club, just couldn't manage himself. All the best Billy.

So Steve McClaren then...

First of all, I've got to be positive. Okay, he flopped at England but that is not really relevant to us. Like Billy before him, I say, he's been given the job so let's just give him the best support and judge him on what he gets his Forest team to do on the field - and nothing else.

Marthur says he has money to spend. How is he going to spend it? Who can he attract that Billy could not?

How do you see him developing the output from our youth development? Billy was fairly dismissive of the youth setup inferring it wasn't up to much in terms of producing a calibre of player he wanted. Will Schteve do much better?

Will Schteve be able to tap into a rich seam of hidden gems in the Dutch and German leagues?

Come people, don't hold back I need answers!

posted on 13/6/11

Well said.

"Marthur says he has money to spend. How is he going to spend it? Who can he attract that Billy could not?"

I think Marthur has proven his ineptitude following the whole whttingham/pratley saga. Hopefully, he will stick to more of the admin side of things as his influence and 'wooing' are terrible. This is where I think SM will prove his worth, not least through English connection s but from the Dutch and German leagues - especially his eye on upcomimg academy players from there. He didn't have a massive budget at FC Twente, remember.
I think ND will have more faith budget-wise with SM.
Billy was dismmissive on the youth players, as he knew his time here was numbered, so why bother developing the youth - he need a quick fix.

Anyway, I would like to thank Billy, too! Good man and good luck!

posted on 13/6/11

I agree Original - Marthur's PR is really REALLY bad. He should not be allowed anywhere near a microphone or TV camera. If he personally pulled off the deal to get SM then he has done well (although obviously time will tell really), but that shouldn't distract us from the fact that he is a disaster zone dealing with the media.

SM will get more out of the academy I think. I also think he might pull off one or two coups in the market - either unknowns that turn out to be steals of the century and/or a high profile player he knows well.

Put it like this - I think that's what he might TRY to do in order to send a message he means business.

comment by LloydX (U6993)

posted on 14/6/11

I thought Arthur was fine on tv. He stuck to the basics, there was a better manager so we got him. Teams do that with players so why not managers.

He also dropped in how ridiculous Davies' claims about notbeing backed were all in a couple of minutes. Job done.

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