Please note this is 90 minutes betting not halftime! Is it worth a punt?
posted on 20/10/11
Yes, I recommend you put everything on it, even the shirt on your back
posted on 20/10/11
Much like your username we are not overly concerned with european exploits this season.
posted on 20/10/11
I hope Saturday was a turning point. I got paid today so feeling flush. Gonna stick a £10 scorecast.
Stokes or Banguar , 2-1 or 3-1 to Celtic. Undecided yet.
Thinking Kayal anytime could be a good shout, try and win the fans back and get the monkey off his back
posted on 20/10/11
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posted on 20/10/11
You must have a rather large wage packet matey. Good luck and I hope the phrase 'money goes to money' is particularly apt for you this evening.
posted on 20/10/11
talking shiet, it will probably be a £2.50 score cast and £2.50 Kayal anytime
I know Zachs, but he used to always take shots on the edge of the box I just have a sneaky feeling. Ki is a good shout for anytime to.
I think tonights game will be quite open both teams might get a couple
posted on 20/10/11
Super Sally 606 fud of the day..............well done mate.
Don't get caught on the school computer son
posted on 20/10/11
Sensible money will be on Rennes.
I'd go for 2-0 or 3-0.
posted on 20/10/11
Pontius P - I was merely asking for input from those in the know of all things Celtic! Why the offence? School computer think its more your sort to fiddle in schools!!