this site has been up and running for a wee bit now, so apart from the obvious ones have you guessed anyones new names from the old 606 site yet?
ok so who is who
posted on 13/6/11
Raman from old bbc site maybe 2005-2007 after that i just read the boards. Thought i would sign up here to bring you the exclusive reports.
posted on 13/6/11
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posted on 14/6/11
puyolsnohadahaircut was puyolshadahaircut.
posted on 14/6/11
I used to by Tully in the beeb boards
posted on 14/6/11
Well you are Toiler for a start sunny Jim?
and I am McCannStoleMaCookie
posted on 14/6/11
Why did you change your name?
posted on 14/6/11
why not just keep the same names, lads?
posted on 14/6/11
Well Capital, I got my Cookie back aff McCann, so it just didnae seem right!
posted on 14/6/11
Why not change it to 'IgotmycookiebackMcCann' or something
posted on 14/6/11
so why did you not keep your old name CB? - couldn't decide from the god knows how many you had i suppose