i hear he dived to get 2 people sent off and missed a penalty in the 97 min of et i know people say hes good but im glad fergie didnt sign him are young players are all very good players we dont need to get half the opposition sent off or get 7 min et messi cant even take pens
posted on 23/10/11
Well I don't like watching people impersonating former users from a former site but you can't always get what you want in life!
posted on 23/10/11
worst article ever, messi was not involved in the sending off and is by a mile the best player in the world and gets foulded all day long and just rides the tackles
if you dont like diving play actors, you must hate half your team
posted on 23/10/11
Epic fail.
posted on 23/10/11
"are young players are all very good"
Hate to grammar police but when someone doesn't know the difference between "are" and "our" I just switch off. What age is this guy, seven?
posted on 23/10/11
comment by Fergie's Armadillo (U1330)
How does the hook taste? He knows exactly what he's doing
posted on 23/10/11
This is done in the Barry smith style, a classic wum technique that has pulled in many an unsuspecting poster!
In the future you will probably have the complete works of Barry smith in your book collection
posted on 23/10/11
posted on 23/10/11
Dived .. wel,l no, then ... we don't want that type on our team... do we?
posted on 23/10/11
How does the hook taste.
I like it
posted on 23/10/11
he was hardly nani or hernandez out there.