I see the BBC has reset the SPL table so all the teams are now listed alphabetically....the Yahoos are still second best even using this method
posted on 14/6/11
Fair enough man
posted on 14/6/11
Cap.. IS Hof banned. He really is one of the very few on here who is genuinely what it's all about.
posted on 14/6/11
Aye he got banned somehow
posted on 14/6/11
I noticed the last few days he was getting drawn into all the crud that was going on and getting angrier and angrier at people. genuinely sad to see him go. The site will be a lesser place without his good humour and intentions. I hope he gets re-instated.
posted on 14/6/11
I would give him a few weeks or so,he'll be back...aslong as atheist is about
posted on 14/6/11
His 'brurr'.
posted on 14/6/11
F's wrang wi that, Ish?
posted on 14/6/11
Nothing Ath... just using a Hoffism. What's the score Atheist? You got a hotline to him? Try and get him back on.
posted on 14/6/11
I'll try my best, Ish. Hof's one of the good guys, as you recognise, so fair play.
posted on 15/6/11
hofs been going from thread to thread calling everyone cretins etc.
Could be why hes banned?