A disaster for Scottish football if true. The competitiveness of the league would be severely dented. Another hammer blow to TV revenues and sponsorship. It gets more like the Welsh football league by the day.
Tunnock's Teacakes F.C. Vs Irn-Bru Utd. Coming to a stadium near you soon.....
Hearts Facing Winding Up Order?
posted on 3/11/11
Rats - and I've not even used my tickle stick.
Paisley - are you serious? the rags have only just started writing about Rangers, whilst people like Phil have been banging on about it for 18 months.
posted on 3/11/11
What has " Phil" got to do with the media ? He's a blogger , an obsessed blogger,nothing more
posted on 3/11/11
It was Phil's piece about Rangers' Tax case, that was EXCLUSIVELY displayed on the NOTW's front pages
posted on 3/11/11
comment by tim o' tay (U8710) posted 57 minutes ago
Paisley - are you serious? the rags have only just started writing about Rangers
Are you serious tomotay?
The rags have 'only just' started writing about Rangers?
posted on 3/11/11
tcd, tut, tut, tut, I tried to help you last night, you didn`t listen...look what happened. ... Perhaps a little more time under the bed, with the "we wanthe big wan so we did comfy blanket" might be appropriate. Yours hopefully...Bluebird.
posted on 3/11/11
TCD ...Thatºll be the NTW that was wound up for illegal practices.
posted on 3/11/11
could be happening to your club soon coop
posted on 3/11/11
that was wound up for illegal practices.
Go hame the noo, coop
posted on 3/11/11
That was the unanimous advice to you last night tcd, you choose to ignore it...the rest as they say, has gone into 606 history.
posted on 3/11/11
Yer an awfy man fur handing oot advice...Jehovah's? CAB? DSS?
Point being...hiz anybody took it