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Managerless, rudderless, clueless

Just an aside to start, fascinating how many with the most opinionated of posters have been commenting on the game from the warmth of their arm chairs .....

Anyway the performance today answered a few of the more extreme stupidities often seen on this board.

Messrs Rudkin and Stowell after much tactical discussion decided on the novel tactic of hitting long balls in the direction of Howard. He got his head to one or two and threw himself on the ground for others trying for freekick. Messrs Kisnorbo and O'Brien were obviously completely nonplussed and decoded that one might challenge and the other pick up the second ball.

Howard then had five first half opportunities to show us how embarrassing he is when the ball reaches him on the floor.

Almost as embarrassing as watching a journeyman goalie coach trying to llook like a manager on the line and yet with halftime reached and absolutely nothing happening for us .... decided to leave things as they were!

Bamba, Nugent ... what are you doing with this lot... still if Pearson comes back he'll probably bring in Hobbs and Waghorn .. and get shot of you

The owners- your investment is in a mess, you seem to have allowed (I hear) your Director of Foootball (thats a laugh) to persuade you against some of the more challenging candidates..

didn't even have a winning trip to Thailand at half time today .......

comment by johngee (U5021)

posted on 6/11/11

No problem 1884.. I was still seeting from the match so probably less tolerant than normal.
We are a mess and back where we were pre takeover.It is not directly the fault of the owners who have no change from £60m ... and a club far distant from promotion... talk of a Pearson recall... and the club desperately short of football business nous...

I fear the owners will just lose interest and try to salvage as much as possible ..

posted on 6/11/11

25th October 2011, johngee : “the owners have taken a decision driven by the need to establish a promotion team and we must support them - they have never short changed the club on investment”

06th November 2011, johngee: “The owners- your investment is in a mess..."


comment by johngee (U5021)

posted on 6/11/11

No problem 1884.. I was still seething from the match so probably less tolerant than normal.
We are a mess and back where we were pre takeover.It is not directly the fault of the owners who have no change from £60m ... and a club far distant from promotion... talk of a Pearson recall... and the club desperately short of football business nous...

I fear the owners will just lose interest and try to salvage as much as possible ..

comment by johngee (U5021)

posted on 6/11/11

Keep the faith... are you reading correctly or perhaps not understanding

The owners definitely have not short chamged us -far from it .... but their investment (thats the club itself you see) is in a mess
Does that make it any clearer for you ..!!

posted on 6/11/11

johngee why are you so negative? we lost a football match,so what? there are more important things in life ffs,ive been heartbroken at times yes,but that is what this beautiful game is all about -good times-bad times, i have seen us lose 4 fa cup finals but hey there is always this year,keep ur chin up we are due good times and i am pretty sure thats what we all want including our owners

posted on 6/11/11

'are you reading correctly or perhaps not understanding'

Well I think these both result in the same thing; surely?

I'll try and surmise some of your text a little more accurately and make the comparison more lucid (apologies, if I am struggling to read, or not understanding or even have a need for more simple syntax);

'...we must support them...'

'...the owners will just lose interest and try to salvage as much as possible...'

For what it's worth to you (and I purport this is probably very little) I don't necessarily think you are purposely being negative, it appears (and obviously this is only my opinion) that you use this forum to vent, but I'm sure you can appreciate how this may come across as slightly irksome to some readers. You also, again just in my opinion, come across a little patronising, but I am more than willing to put this down to the fact that written correspondence can be perceived so much more indifferently than verbal communication.

posted on 6/11/11

Now, now girls, calm down.

posted on 6/11/11

thougtht you trees werent intersted in us

posted on 6/11/11

Hey John! (foreverfox). You sure you're only 61? I reckon you're a bit older (otherwise I suppose you could have been carried inside at the 1949 Final).

Your philosophy is right though. I've been more despondent than 'over the moon' through the years. One particular bad afternoon that stands out was being in the South Bank at Upton Park when we were shot to pieces (4-0) and it was only a few weeks before Bert Johnson and Matt Gillies went out of the door.

We are all getting het up about this but it is out of our control. I have always said these new owners know nothing about football and they should have had a big name lined up by now. If they were going to sack Sven then the new manager should have been in place to keep the momentum going. The players must be pretty much demoralised by now so get someone in right away!

posted on 7/11/11

Absolutely agree with your final para, downsouf. Talk about self-inflicted wounds.....

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