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nigel pearson

i was aq big fan of nigel when he was here,one of the reasons i liked him was that he was honest,hard working and a very proud man,this news that he wants to talk to leicester utterly amazes me,he was forced out before so why would he want to talk to us? is he about to get his own back?lead us to believe he his coming back and then stick two fingers up at us?

comment by fatfox (U4031)

posted on 7/11/11

I realise that many people firmly believe the conspiracy theory that NP was shunted out of the club because the Raksriaksorns wanted a more glamorous name, but no one has ever offered the faintest scrap of evidence for this.

The fact that they are after him and that he wants to talk to them strongly suggests that the whole story was simply made up by someone who didn't fancy having Thai owners. I can't imagine Pearson even being prepared to hold discussions with someone he believed had treated him like that.

Pearson has clearly mentally separated whatever issues he had with Hoos and Mandaric as individuals from Leicester City as a club. Just as there are probably quite a few of us fans who have rejoined a former employer after circumstances there changed enough to make us reconsider the situation.

It certainly will have done no harm that our fans applauded him generously on his return as opposition manager. It will have thrown the lack of warmth for him at Hull into stark contrast.

comment by fatfox (U4031)

posted on 7/11/11

MallingFox: Sharp? Did I miss something?

posted on 7/11/11

I will go on any board I like ( foreverafox ) whats wrong hit a nerve did I
1-0 to the mighty whites

posted on 7/11/11

Sorry, fatfox, I got my Billys mixed up, what with all the recent talk of Billy Sharp. I meant of course Davies of that ilk.

posted on 7/11/11

Just hearing the words Lee Hoos makes me shudder.

posted on 7/11/11

Merseyside - the person you mention (He who must not be named) was a non-football person and hadn't got a clue - I have a similar aversion to anyone named P. Taylor. aaaaargh!

posted on 7/11/11

I don't mind lancashirewhite's cheesy comments.

posted on 7/11/11

I can see why some might prefer Jones due to his teams' abilities to play attacking and passing football, but why would anyone here prefer Billy Davies to Nigel Pearson?

posted on 8/11/11

Lee hoo?

posted on 8/11/11

I with M & M on this i still dont feel right about the appointment but then a string of 1v0 wins and that will Fad.

Dung now its seems to be over my man for the job would of been Dave Jones good man, good football brain and got a team promoted from this division.

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