I got crysis 2 for 10 dollars, uncharted 2 GOTY edition for like 17 dollars, Uncharted 3 for around 35 dollars. Are these good games 2 get and which should i play first.. i wnana play U3 online but i dunno if i can cuz my net sux in my room
posted on 9/11/11
Crysis 2 is unreal, a fantastic single player shooter.
Never played Uncharted due to owning an Xbox but heard it's the bees nees also.
posted on 9/11/11
isn't 35 dollars about 20 quid here?! we have to pay about 40 quid in most retail stores.
unless you have contacts...
posted on 9/11/11
amazon hadda 3fer2 deal so i got 3 games and sold 2.. which shaved like 20$ off my uncharted.. not the smarted deal in hindsight but it's done
hope ur right about crysis it looks cool
posted on 10/11/11
Crysis 2 is a great game that can take some getting used to but is well worth a playthrough.
The amount of positive reviews for the uncharted series speaks for itself and I dont really have a bad thing to say about it.
posted on 11/11/11
uhh isn't it best to play UC2 before UC3?
posted on 13/11/11
i solded my UC3 on feebay and broke even