says racist remarks should be dealt with by a friendly handshake. Am i reading this correctly????
This guy has to go now!
In other news, Derby have wasted £2000 on an aeroplane rather than giving to charity, bleddy sheep
Sepp Blatter
posted on 16/11/11
The man is a buffoon yet our FA is continually forced to kowtow to him.
posted on 17/11/11
I don't know Blatter and I doubt anyone else on here does either.
If he'd have said "Wouldn't it be great IF racism could be sorted out by a handshake", he would probably have been nominated for a peace prize.
I'm not sticking up for him, but maybe his comments have been taken out of context by a world that appears to love pointing the finger at people and calling them racist, when actually, they're not.
posted on 17/11/11
"if he had said: wouldn't it be great if racism could be sorted out by a handshake"
But he didn't say that did he? He suggested that people are not actually racially abused and that even I they are, they should just get on with it!
He is hugely out of date and has to go. Surely no one is even suggesting otherwise?
posted on 17/11/11
I'd have thought he have suggested it could be cured by an envolope full of used notes that's how FIFA seem to sort everything else!