Please sign the petition to free the "Pie One"
I was going to donate £23 to children in need this Friday but I am going to withdraw my act of generosity until Pie is set free.
I hope others will join me and sort this silly mess out (apart from the Wow one, you can )
Pie Eater in need
posted on 16/11/11
It's not one of those new fandangled things, they used some spares from marble madness and mouse trap...
posted on 16/11/11
I told a fib to free "pie"
I would be VERY grateful if 23 people could donate £1 to children in need on Friday.
posted on 16/11/11
I've got a pound coin who is willing to donate 23 people...
posted on 16/11/11
posted on 16/11/11
Do Jedward count as 1 or 2?
Same question reference Jo Brand...
posted on 16/11/11
Only one of Ant and/or Dec - it'll be more cruel that way waaaah ha ha!
posted on 17/11/11
Obviously the Admins see JA606 as some sort of revolutionary rehabilitation centre where they can cure people of their abusive outbursts?
posted on 17/11/11
Is this a wind up Hardwood?
posted on 17/11/11
Comment Deleted by Site Moderator
posted on 17/11/11
Pie can rot in hell for all i care,and you give me that £23 quid i want a drink now,stuff the kids in need,i need a drink,never the less i am going to donate £26..29 p because i am a good decent sort of guy who deosnt drink all th much,,not like that geek who is managing the rovers he is one ight P he blames everybody for siking his drink,,anyhow lock this Pie man up for good,,Bowton git he is...