Despite being the self-proclaimed greatest football ever the lad has made a massive fool of himself in Denmark
Was on a night out when he drunkenly stumbled into a pizzeria only to find that he didn't have any cash on him ... so instead of playing it cool and moving on he decides he wants a free pizza, goes of on a triad and ends with the immortal words:
'Do you know who i am'
Heres a video link, but to be honest unless you speak the yergen dergan of denmark its pretty useless
It's alright bender we don't want you back
posted on 13/12/11
“We told him that it did not matter who he was. If he could not pay, there was no pizza!”
posted on 13/12/11
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posted on 13/12/11
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posted on 13/12/11
Ladys still here
posted on 13/12/11
Pizza ideas of Bendtner?
The Nicklas Feast
Ham, Pineapple and Bendtner
Garlic Nicklas Bread
A can of diet Nicklas
posted on 13/12/11
He's saying "But you know I'm clearly good for it, you know I'll come back and pay you!"
And they're saying "We don't care who you are. You can't have free pizza!"
And he says "But it's not free if I pay for it later "
And they say "Sorry we support Tottenham so go away or we'll tell everyone you were being arrogant and drunk and rude"
So he says "I'm awfully sorry I didn't mean to cause offence"
And that's when the girls offer to pay for him.
Then the guys with the camera say "let's make him look really bad and tell the tabloids he was being rude and arrogant".
My finnish isn't that good so I may have filled in a few gaps with what I imagine might have been said
posted on 13/12/11
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posted on 13/12/11
My finnish isn't that good so I may have filled in a few gaps with what I imagine might have been said
that's ok, the tabloids here and abroad have been doing it for years
posted on 13/12/11
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posted on 14/12/11
Finnish? Bendtner is Danish...